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Tap Tap Tap

The repetitive tapping of my pencil against the wood was the only thing keeping me sane. However, if anyone was to ask, no emotion would even begin to sum up what I was feeling. On the outside one would easily guess that I was swamped with nerves, which in essence does hold some truth. What no one would probably guess was that under bag of nerves swarmed a nest of just as unpleasant butterflies.

Upset, apprehension, dishonesty. They were only a select couple who would possibly feel what I was feeling right now and it was because of that why my emotions seemed to over load. A lot had changed over the past year, but a promise was promise, and I intended to keep it.

The shrill sound of the buzzer of the was all the cue I needed to jump from my seat in a rush to my locker. However the squeak of Mrs Allen's voice above the noise made me skid in my tracks.

“Yes Miss!” I called over the scraping of chairs

“Mrs Archer would like to see you in the office, something about going over your medical records.” she shouted over the noise of students in a rush the leave her classroom

I sighed inwardly of all the days she wanted to go over medical records, she chose Friday. The one day everyone, including the teachers didn't want to stay longer than necessary. “Thanks, I'll talk to her before I go home.”

Finally heading out the door I worked the endless amounts of corridors and pushed through the crowds of thronging peers, until I reached my locker. As a school NSC wasn't all that bad. Just like most school I got along with all the teachers and had made a few friends along the way. I couldn't say that I belonged to a particular clique as I had friends in all different areas of the school. The dancers, the musicians, the drama students.

For a moment my mind lingered on Kyle, could I still call him a friend. As a lad that was perceived to have a macho personality I would have never tagged him as the drama type. I smiled to myself at the memory,. It had been a while since we had had a real conversation that didn't just consist of 'Hey'. I tugged open my locker in search of the books I needed.

Finding a key chain from when the three of us had gone to the seaside, I threw it back in amongst the rest of forgotten memorabilia that had accumulated at the bottom of my locker. What could we even call our relationship, a 'best frienemyship'? Either way our relationship had gone down hill over the last couple months and as cocky as it sounded I was most definitely not the one to blame.

Slamming my locker door shut just to make sure it was secure I heeded of in the direction of the school reception. Making a mental note to send Ava a text when I had the chance, I hadn't seen her all day, and although it wasn't a surprise for her to skip school it seemed out of the ordinary for her not to tell me, I wonder if she'll make it tonight.

Stepping out into the sun as I made such to avoid the majority of the hustle and bustle I finally reached the front of the school. Pushing open the doors to the room behind the office belonging to Mrs Archer the school nurse. Noticing me enter and sit down, she pulled out my file from among the others, she began to babble coming to sit opposite me as she did. I'd be lying if I said I gave her my full attention. I couldn't help but have my mind on other things.

Ren you okay?” Kyle asked, his voice was full of worry.

I had tried to reassure him but my dizzy state didn't help the coherency of my words. Even I found it hard to understand myself. I felt my head lean against the cold of the brick gym wall. Though the texture was a little scratchy I found the coolness soothing. I knew there was nothing to worry about, it was just a dizzy spell that would be soon to pass. I guess by rushing breakfast that morning I also forgot to take my iron tablet.

Come on let's get you to the nurse”

He had tried to lift me, but with my lethargic mood I was just like a dead weight, unable to even support my own weight.

He had sighed under his breath “I guess I'll just have to carry you”

I guess he did just that as the next thing I recall was me in the nurses office, her looking over me with a disapproving glare.

Well Miss Williams, care to tell me what you are doing in my office”


You passed out that's what's 'um'” she shook her head once again “Here drink this it will help shake off the drowsiness”

I took the cup of water as she command and sipped it tentatively.

Do you now why you passed out Miss Williams”

I forgot to take my iron tablets” I replied sheepishly

And then you went and participated in cross country event” she finished for me “Don't they make sensible children any more?” she asked mostly to herself.

I'm sorry, I'll be more 'sensible' next time” I assured using her own words against her.

Very well, I did ring your parents but there is a young man outside, claims he is your next door neighbour?” she stated more like a question

Kyle?” I asked

Yes, that's the one”

I guess I'll walk home with him then” pushing myself to stand up.

She nodded her head in approval and dismissed me.

Thankfully that was the first and last time I was ever carried to the nurses office and over time I was able to crack Mrs Archer's stern exterior and put a smile on her face.

The scribbling of a pen across a sheet of paper is what finally pulled me back to focus. As I tried to take in what she was babbling about I found myself nodding as she stood up and went over to her filing cabinet.

With her back turned I used it as my opportunity to let out a suppressed yawn “This is ridiculous!” I muttered under my breath, although I was sure she heard me as she turned back to face me. Flashing a smile in her direction, I eased the tension and waiting patiently until she had dismissed me.

“Okay well this all seems to be in order” she clarified going over her notes.

Relieved to be leaving, I glance the clock hanging just above her head as I stretched and stood up noticing at least 20 minutes had passed since I had been stuck in this dingy office on an uncomfortable plastic chair that caused me to unnecessarily fidget.

“Remember to pop in and see me if anything happens to change” she called as I headed to the door

“Sure thing” I nodded.

Finally being released from the confines of the school walls I gathered my things, off in the direction of home.

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