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Once diner was over and I had finished with the dishes, the remainder had been rather slow. Leah had finally come out of the depths of he room and once she was convinced that there was no way of her being roped into doing any washing up she came a kept me company. That it itself seemed a little off balance over the past couple of months we had hardly spent any proper time together. Some would argue that the constant moving around would bring two sister closer together, knowing that even when things went all pear shaped at least they could rely on each other. That's a fair point, but it also took it's toll.

Only having each other for company, forcibly putting the both of us in each others space was bound to cause tension, sisters or not, especially with Leah's growing mood swings. However tonight had been kinda nice. Sat out in the garden the both of us talked like there was no tomorrow filling each other in on things that the other had possibly over looked. She told me of her social life at school and I answered her questions about mine. It felt nice just to talk and not have to worry about the consequences of what could potentially come out of your mouth.

Leaning up against the tree, where Leah had left me I let my mind mull over the events of the day.I had no idea why but it seemed every little thing triggered some sort of memory. The porch, the washing up, the school crossing, and here in the garden was no exception. I needed a distraction but none came. A beep of my phone came with a sigh of relief.

Finally something to focus on. I was a little disappointed to see it was only from Ava asking if I had confirmed times with Kyle for tomorrow. Though not clear to all I for one could tell that she missed his company, and I couldn't help but feel responsible. That in itself has caused a heap of new thoughts to over whelm me.

Constant buzzing is what woke me from my sleep. Rolling over and wiping the sleep from I eyes I reached over to grab my phone on the bedside table. A message from Ava is what greets me.

Have you replied yet??x

What is she on about? I send a quick reply voicing those exact thoughts and roll back onto my back waiting her reply.

To Kyle's apology on Facebook x

Intrigued I feel for my laptop under the bed and log into my account. Low and behold the message icon is lit up. Deciding I would rather find out sooner rather than later what he could possible want I click the icon taking me to his message it was simple but it read:

I'm so sorry, I never meant for this to turn out this way. I just wanted to say that I never wanted to string you along. You constantly made me smile and unlike before I acted on my feelings as I didn’t want to lose you to another guy. That was my biggest mistake. I tried to see how long it would last until my lies caught up with me.

I should never have underestimated you and for that I am sorry. I understand if you hate my guts and never want to talk to me again, you have every right to but I just want to say that the friendship we started this time last year was completely legit and I hope one day you will forgive me enough to at least be on talking terms.

Of course I don't expect anything for you.


I read the message a couple times trying to get it all to sink in. Closing my laptop down and placing it back under the bed I lay on my back sinking back into the covers. I wasn't to sure what I felt or of I should even reply. One thing for sure I knew Ava wouldn't let him get away with it that easily.

Does he really think he is gonna get away with it that easily!?” she boomed.

It was later that afternoon and after receiving Kyles message, Ava had invited herself over to complain about the current situation.

I dunno Ave maybe-”

Don't even say it, there is no way he is genuinely sorry”

Don't you think I should give him a chance?”

A chance? What a chance to ruin our friendship all over again?, no way”

Come on Ave I think he really means it we could at least have him on speaking terms again”

Speaking terms my behind” she boomed disgusted by the very suggestion “Listen Rey I love you like a monkey loves bananas but sometimes you are way too nice and you forgive too easily. If he was really that sorry why hasn't he come and apologised face to face?”

Because he is scared of what you'd to him” I joked trying to ease the mood

Good point but if he really wanted our forgiveness don't you think he should face the consequences?

I shrugged she had a point “So what do you suggest we do?”


Nothing?” I repeated

Just go on with our daily lives as though we never knew him, its not like he is gonna be a loner he still has all his guy friends and whoever else he chooses to hang out” she sighed exasperatedly

That's easier said than done” I mumbled

By the look of her body language I could tell she was done talking about the subject and I didn’t really want to push my luck so I left it as it was. One thing that I had learnt about Ava over the past year was not only was she completely loyal, she was also excellent at hiding her feelings. Today however I could see right through her and I knew that although she was trying to be strong and get by, deep down she was hurting. She had lost her best friend because of me.

I scooted over an enveloped her in a big bear hug

What was that for?” she asked when I refused to let go

You don't have to pretend Ave, I miss him too”

Twirling my phone in my hand as I stood to brush myself off, a warm summers breeze hugged me. Putting a fake smile as I made my way back in door I tried to hide my hurt. As much as I tried to fight it, I couldn't help but admit that part of me still missed him too.

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