10.Falling for you

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Falling for you

Leaving my pile of clothes till last, I dropped them on the edge of my bed. They could wait for me to put them a way. Laying facing the ceiling, with the sun streaming through my window. Boredom soon took control as I began to count all the cracks I could find. With nothing better to do and thinking it would be a more constructive way to waste my time I logged onto my laptop looking for different colours i could use to paint my room.

Sat transfixed by the screen, The vast array of colours, ultimately made my head swirl, as they blurred into one big mush, maybe this wasn't such a good idea. Closing my eyes to ward off the dizziness I began fighting off the sleep that threatened to prevail in my dazed state of mind. In efforts to keep myself awake and needing something to waste my time away, inevitably I ended up social networking.

Seeing a picture of Kyle and I in one of out happier moments, I realised where my sub-conscious mind had led me. It seemed no matter how hard I tried I couldn't seem to shake the feeling of uneasiness that had latched itself to me since the previous morning. Soon enough I  finally gave in, letting my mind go on a tangent of it's own.

''I'll see you in the morning then?''

''Yupp, 8 o'clock'' I replied with a smile.

Standing on my tip toes to give him a hug, I felt his arms tense, before relaxing and hugging me back. Without another word he turned on his heels and made his way down the road without another word.

Grabbing my keys from my pocket and opening the front door I kicked my shoes off and headed up to my room. Surprisingly no on was home just yet, not that I was bothered, a few minutes of peace and quiet would be gladly welcomed. Throwing my bag in the corner and flopped down onto my bed, sighing to myself. Something was up with Kyle and it was bugging me that I didn't know what.

As usual it was just the two of us walking home today, just as we do every Monday. He seemed quieter than usual. Which was odd? He was usually the school prankster, always finding ways to make me laugh. I had made a mental note to ask him, but one thing led to another, mainly my daydreaming. Before I knew it we were standing outside my front door, hugging each other goodbye. Some friend I am I mused to myself. Reaching for my laptop, under the bed, I noticed the blazing sun peering through my partly drawn curtains.

I smiled to myself, as the sun streamed through the windows, today was the perfect day but just like every other so called 'perfect' day in my life so far something had to come along to change things, and that's just what happened.

At first I didn't dwell too much on the odd feeling swirling in my stomach, but they say one simple message can change your opinion on everything and that is just what happened. That night I couldn't get to sleep, having endless questions swirling around in my head. I began to over analyse everything, Kyle’s text constantly playing on my mind. Was this really happening?

I looked at the clock, 00.35.

Taking my phone in my hand once more I opened up a new message box wanting to reply, but my finger seemed locked in place. All I wanted to do was ask but still I couldn't find myself typing a simple message in response.

What he was playing at, surely that couldn't be the real reason was for him being so distant. Looking at my phone again I felt certain uneasiness, and decided against responding instead just putting it down to one side.

Laying on my back and staring up to the ceiling I tried dozing off by counting sheep. Who was I kidding? When had that ever worked? Rolling over, I glanced at my phone one last time before forcing myself to sleep. As though trying to reassure myself that the message that had been permanently engraved in my mind since the moment it blinked on my screen, was not a lapse of my imagination.

I Think I'm Falling For You...x

Placing my laptop to one side I lay back again staring at the ceiling. I had no idea I how long I lay there for, trying to clear my mind, but for once I was happy when my mind didn't wonder to past memories, instead I felt an unfamiliar peace.

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