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Although 20 minutes late, Kyle turned up, true to his word. Standing on his arrival the three of us stood awkwardly under the tree neither of us knowing how to break the silence. I turned to Ava for some kind of signal, after all, this was her idea all along. However, she barely looked in my direction, choosing rather to keep her gaze transfixed on Kyle as though analysing his every move.

It had been a while since we had all been in close proximity with each other, but nothing had changed. Kyle still stood over us his hair reflecting off the light of the sun making look a little lighter that usual.

Under normal circumstances we wouldn't have a problem in each others company, however this was anything but normal.

The three of us stayed silent until I spoke up “Shall we just get this over an done with?”

“Well we would have been done already if someone had turned up on time” Ava muttered enough for all to hear

Kyle must have heard as he began to defend himself “I didn't mean to-”

“-You 'don't mean' to do a lot of things Kyle but look where we are now huh!” Ave retaliated

“Aves-” I tried

“Don't touch me” she warned as I made move to reach out to her.

“How about we just dig this thing up now” I put in before anyone thought up another retort

They spoke in unison, “Good idea” Ava grimaced at the simultaneous action

Taking that as an incentive I bent down to begin digging up the packed in mud at the bottom of the tree. Finally hitting the metal casing, I began tugging the tin box free from it earthly bounds, handing it over to Ava as she pulled out her set of house keys including a small silver padlock key. Sitting down on the floor next to me she slid the key into the lock and turned letting the top pop open.

Among the case filled with trinkets collected through friendship, and memorabilia deemed junk by others, lay in a scattered pile "So what now?"

Ava shrugged in uncertainty, I guess neither of us has really thought this through. Taking a breath I watched as she removed the inner casing, placing in on the floor next to her. Some of the contents spilling over the side as she began to rummage through.

Following Ava's lead and sitting crossed legged on the floor I picked up a picture that had long since been sketched in my mind. "How about we all go through the pictures we decided to keep?"

Kyle sighed but didn't elaborate instead he stooped down and picked up his picture eyeing it carefully as his fingers played with the corners.

"How about you go first aves,?" I suggested. Bowing her head in compliance Ava began to share her reason behind her choice in photo. My mind however began to roam at its own thought of the same memory

It was last autumn during bonfire night, every year they would put together a show, complete with fire works, hotdogs, sparklers, along with the biggest Bonfire known to man sat proudly in the centre of the field in all it's glory.

Everyone would bring a contribution of their own, mainly firewood and we would gather around, stuffing our faces and watching the display. Being my first year I spent the majority of my time taking in the sights, soaking up the atmosphere and juts generally being happy. I was introduced to the majority of people that night. Mainly people from school and those who lived down my street

Fireworks popped in our ears and hot chocolate scolded our tongues, melting our iced throats. Most of the night had been waltzing around watching the various entertainment that was dotted around the field.

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