Life (Article)

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Allow me to narrate you a folklore very famous in east India, which boldly depicts how humans get to live for 100 years.

It is believed, that god's first creations included- man, an ox, a dog, an owl. He fairly distributed each with forty years of life. But after living on earth for twenty years, everyone seemed to be upset and this made God sad. On asking he was told-

"For twenty years of my life I have been just carrying the human's loads and I have nothing but hard work in my fate. And will do for next twenty years; you tell me how is that fair!" Complained the ox.

"For twenty years of my life I have done nothing but guard human's treasure and will have to do it for next twenty years. Oh Almighty, you tell me how is this fair! " Complained the dog.

"You made me the wisest one but what is the use if I haven't even seen the day? How am I wiser than man, who seems to have seen the day; I too desire to see the day, but won't for following twenty years. O My Lord, how is this fair!" Complained the Owl.

Hearing all the complaints his fellow mates had, human felt a pang of jealousy and selfishness in him. When man was asked about his complains he greedily said, "I've just completed my process of growing at the age of twenty and then will spent rest twenty in earning a fortune for myself and my children and will die before I get to consume my earning. So good Lord in Heaven, tell how is this fair!"

Seeing only one solution to this problem God decided to decrease twenty years of life from everybody and increase man's life. They all lived happily ever after but the human.

True, isn't it? We live first forty years of our life without any problems-without any health issues, and then spend next twenty working hard like an ox and blindly make green notes, the next twenty protecting our fortune like the dog and rest like an owl where we see everything in the dark (invisible to the others) but can't do anything. We are wise but have no say in anything.

They all did lived happily ever after but the human. is predictably unpredictable. It is volatile, erratic. Life is ecstasy. Life is valuably vulnerable. Life is temporal-mortal. Life is for the alive, my dear. Life is the tedious beginning, death is the interesting end. Life is bitter, but Death is sweet. Life is a truceless lie, Death is a struggling truth. Death is easy, life is difficult. Death is impartial, same to the richest and to the poorest. It is life that is partial, easy to the rich and nerve-wrecking to the poor.

Life and Death have been in love, for longer than words could describe. Life sent countless beautiful gifts to her beloved Death and Death ever-grateful always kept it forever.

Once Life asked Death,

'Why do mortals love me, but hate you?'

Death replied,

'Because you are a beautiful lie and I am the painful truth...'

I can give you thousands reasons, Life is tricky, Death is simple. I quote as I recollect the following lines from a song,

'Sun is up, sun is up, and I'm a mess

Gotta get up now, gotta run from life

Here comes the shame, here comes the shame.'

Where would you run? How will you restore your pride?

You would feel much stressed, walls closing from all sides, as if someone has chained your will to this darkness and is trying to squeeze you into a small dense pot of despair. This is what it might feel like. Keep telling yourself that all of it, all the hate you project on others, all the fights you get into, all the anger you keep feeling, the helplessness, the despair, the depression, the sorrow, the sadness and then the numbness, all of it is not real. We do get stuck in an emotional storm which just keeps raging on. Making us feel angry or sad for days at a stretch. But this is all real. It's like you are trapped between four closed wall with no vent out; and everybody seems to pour water on you (as in pressurizing you), at one point you can't breathe nor can you scream for help; there is only one restriction on you, if you open your mouth to scream you'll choke yourself with the water; but if you don't open your mouth to breathe or scream you die of suffocation.

Some manage to attempt in due time...But some don't, afraid of the reactions. That's when you say, 'Seriously, I'm done.' Then you die... not mortally but spiritually.

Too dead to die...

'Every man has his secret sorrow,

Which the world knows not,

And often we call a man cold,

When his soul is sold.....'

Death after life or Life after Death is a mystical distinction between sense and purpose.

The population of India is 1.252 billion and world population is 7.125 billion. Even after the hard monopoly of life we all live. We crib, we cry, we laugh, we sniffle, we beg, borrow, steal, but we dance in mirth, we do enjoy. Humans seem to be naturally sinful beings; but not completely. Maybe because angels were created to be good and demons were to be bad.We...we were to separate these two realms- we are neither good nor bad, we are just there.

Let me ask you, why do you live as in your motive?

Some will say they believe in fate and they are destined to do something. Or others will say the live for their beloved ones....

But I'll say no, you don't live for others; humans ain't made to live for others. They are selfish except for a few exceptions, but still. Being selfish isn't always for you best but neither is being selfless. Sometimes being selfless lands you in more trouble than being selfish. I'm not suggesting you to be selfish at all; I'm asking you to be selfish once in a while and find yourself a suitable motive to live and see the world with different eyes. Through those pink tainted shades!

I do not love you,

As if you were salt-rose, or topaz,

or the arrow of carnations the fire shoots off,

I love you as certain dark things are to be loved in secrets,

between the shadows and soul.

- Sonnet XVII

Poblo Neruda

So find that one thing that is worth risk of being loved between your shadows and soul......

- dark-princes

Author's Note: dark-princes : I know this is very very sad buuut I was very depressed when I wrote this. But now I'm not depressed but still wanted to share this! I hope you like it and try relating it. Again this isn't a suicidal write up nothing of that sort, coz i may or may not have glamorized death.....



Here's another heart touching article!

Hope you feel alright now! Stay strong! ♡

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Till then! Xx

P.S I'll update Ivory tomorrow! :)

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