Chapter 6:Breaking News

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Chapter 6:Breaking News

After today's meeting it got me thinking about how my parents were going to react,I mean it didn't matter since I can't back out of the contract.

I unlocked the door and was greeted by Cathily.

"Welcome home"She smiled,I dropped my bag down in the basket beside the door and smiled"Can you and dad meet me in the living room?"I asked Cathily,her smile shortly turned into a concern frown.

"Sure but is everything ok?"She asked me,I nodded my responses and started to make my way to the living room.

My father and Cathily soon came in and sat down on the white couch."Is everything ok?Your not pregnant are you?"My father asked with his hand on Cathily thigh.

I raised both of my eyebrows and rolled my eyes"No dad I'm not pregnant"He only gets these ideas because we were watching '16 and pregnant' last night,bad mistake.

"Ok then what's up?"He asked

I inhaled and exhaled while pacing around"Ok don't be mad but.."I trailed off when my parents face expression were turning into frowns.

"I just got casted to be in California Diva,it's a reality show.I'm moving down to L.A for the show"When I said that I felt a tone of bricks were taking off my shoulders.

"Oh that's great honey!"Cathily said as she hugged me but my dad just glared at me"L.A?Reality Show?!When did all this happen?"My dad asked.

"Ok yes L.A,yes reality show and yesterday I went to a audition for a show but got a shot at this reality show.I signed the contract at the meeting today....there's no turning back on it either"I muttered and played with my hands.

Cathily rubbed my shoulders"Carl give her a chance,she's been after this dream for years.She's not 12 anymore"Cathily explained,I couldn't help but smile when she was standing up for me.

My dad just sighed and rubbed his forehead"I understand that Cathily but I'm not ready for this yet"He said,the room went silent and my dad just heavily sighed"Alright fine,I'll be going to every meeting with you until you leave to L.A!Got it?"My dad said trying to sound made but I could tell he was proud of me.

"Oh thank you!"I said and gave him and Cathily a bear hug.I ran up the steps and jumped on my bed.I dialed Alex's number and started to bite my nails.

"Hello?"Alex answered with a tired voice.

"Oh is it that time of the day?"I asked,Alex always took his nap from 2-5 and it 3:30

"Yep,can I take a message?"He mumbled.

"Alright tell Alex that I'm moving down to L.A because I'm going to be in a new reality show."I said

Alex gasped and screamed like a girl"Shut up!Are you freaking kidding me?!FaceTime now!"He said and hung up.I looked at the screen of my phone and shrugged,I opened up my computer and a incoming call from Alex appeared on my screen.

"Now tell me everything!"Alex said when I accepted the call.I told him everything that happened at school and about the meeting.

"Oh yeah Ryan has a thing for you"Alex said as he gave me a smirk.

"But someone as famous as him wouldn't to hangout with me!"I explained as I took my hair out of its now messy bun.

"Well you'll be living with him for 3 months,I can see you two making out at parties and even having sex together."

When Alex used the word sex my face scrunched up"With my dad watching I probably won't be getting laid or even drunk"I joked but made a serious face.

"Yeah,whatever you say buttercup.Oh call me after the photo shoot tomorrow."He said,after saying our goodbyes I closed my computer and laid on my back."This is really happening"I said and smiled really big.

End of Chapter 6

How's the story so far?Would you like to see Victoria and Ryan do some badshit for the reality show?

Vote,comment and read my friend treasure__ book!!She's an amazing friend to me and reading her book and mines would make our day!So go check her out.

Authors Question:What's your favorite movie of all time?

My favorite movie has to be Titanic!It may be boring for some but this movie is so beautiful to me.

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