Chapter One

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock, making the most loudest noise I've ever heard. Rolling out of my bed onto my floor, I look up at my ceiling and I notice that today was my first day of high school. But not just any ordinary high school. A high school for spirit animals. Spirit animals are the animals that show your personality. But you can reincarnate into your spirit animal when you die. That is basically how spirit animals were able to...well...reproduce into a whole new colony.

I don't know what spirit animal I am. My parents were two different spirit animals. My mom is a hedgehog. I don't know what my dad is. Neither does my mom know because she never got around to asking him. Besides, my dad is always on a business trip.

I wonder if my dad is a strong spirit animal. He does look muscular and manly, unlike me. My arms look like noodles. I'm surprised witches didn't make me into ramen yet.

Anyways, I live in the human world. I went to junior high school last year in the human world. I didn't like the students at that school. But I'm excited for this year. To meet people like me...kind of.

"KOOLJO!" The voice of my mother called, "GET UP! YOU GOIN' TO BE LATE!"

"COMING!" I yelled back.

I forgot that I was still laying on my floor. So I ran to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, took a shower, and put on my black-and-red-colored school uniform. I ran downstairs and I noticed that it was almost seven-thirty in the morning. I was going to miss the school bus! I ran to the front door and placed my hand on the door knob. Before I opened the door to leave, I hear my mother's voice behind me.

"Kooljo," She said, "Aren't you going to eat breakfast?"

"No," I replied, "I'm going to be late for the bus if I have breakfast. I'll just eat something from the vending machine."

"Oh, okay. Just make sure you get something in your stomach. Have a good day at school!"

"I will mom."

I walked outside and locked my front door. I walked to the school bus stop where the bus was waiting for me. I walked on the bus and sat in the second row. I looked out the window as the bus started to move.

"Hey, kid," The bus driver asked, "You new to Vrew Academy?"

"Uh, yeah" I replied.

"Well, welcome to the academy. Whats your spirit animal?"

"I don't know."

"'I don't know?! What do you mean 'I don't know'?!"

"Well, my parents were two different spirit animals. My mom is a hedgehog. I don't know what spirit animal my dad is. He could be a wolf or a bear. I don't know."

"Huh, that's a tight situation. I hope you find your spirit animal soon."

"Me too."

The bus drove through a dark tunnel. It was the only way to get into the barrier of Vrew Academy. No human can go through the barrier. If one human did, they would be killed on the spot by the principal.

The bus stopped in front of the school. I could see many students in black and red uniforms. Some students wore their own shirts, sweaters, etc. with black or red skirts or pants. I didn't know you can be creative with uniforms. But I'll stay with the black and red uniform, since I don't have a style.

"Well," The bus driver said, "This is the school, kid."

I got up from my seat and walked down the isle to the bus driver's seat.

"Have a nice day, sir." I said as I faced him.

"You too...and call me Terry."

I walked off the bus and followed the path to the school.

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