Chapter Four

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Okay, time for the story :3



"Sup, Glasses Boy." Kitteh said, "WHO THE FUCK IS THIS?!" The "Glasses Boy" said while pointing his finger towards my direction. "Oh yeah!" Kitteh said, "Kooljo, this is Chua BlueWhale, he was my best friend ever since junior high."

"Nice to meet you?" I said with confusion in my voice.

"I GOTTA GO POOP!" Chua said, "Erm, what?" I said. "DID YOU NOT HEAR ME?! I GOTTA GO POOP!" Chua said as he ran out the classroom.

"Um, nice friend you got there?" I said awkwardly. "Sorry about him," Kitteh said, "He is always like this and you can't stop him from being that way."

"Its alright," I said, letting out a small laugh, "Plus, he is kind of funny."

"He is," Kitteh said, "Even when he tries not to."

The class bell rang. Everyone went in their assigned seats. Kitteh and I started to notice that we didn't know what seats we were assigned to, since we were in a rush to meet Chua. "Let's just sit behind Chua because I took a peek at the seating chart and it said we were behind Chua...I think." Kitteh said, "Let's just sit there before we get in trouble." I said. She nodded and walked to the seat behind Chua's seat and stood behind the seat. I walked to the seat next to the right of her and stood behind it.

The teacher started to walk in. She placed her papers on her stand and look at the class. "You may be seated." She said. The whole class took a seat. "HOO! Hello, class!" Mrs. Owlauss said, "I'm Mrs. Owlauss and I'll be your Home Economics teacher for the year...HOO! Now, let's get all the rules and stuff out of the way and get on with the main lesson...HOO!"

Again, I spaced out after a couple of minutes of listening to Mrs. Owlauss. I turned to my left and saw Kitteh staring out the window. I guess she spaced out as well, I thought. She looked so beautiful with her green highlights shining in the sunlight, she almost looked like a god of all spirit animals to me, since she was so beautiful like her.

The god of spirit animals was Ceremai. She was the god who created spirit animals and made us thrive for years and years to come. If it wasn't for her, I probably wouldn't be here right now, or any of the students and staff at Vrew Academy.

I heard that Ceremai was a beautiful woman with the most softest, longest blonde hair you've ever seen. Her eyes are blue as calm as the ocean while the sunset is setting in the background. Her dress was as white as the clouds up above and her powerful staff had the most golden color than the gold ingots you would see on Minecraft.

Fourty minutes later, the school bell rang. "Dismissed." Mrs. Owlauss said. Everyone got up from their seats and left the classroom. Kitteh walked up to me as I started to get up from my seat. "What class do you have next?" She asked, "English." I replied.

"Crap." She said, "I have Science. Let's meet up at lunch."

"What about Chua?" I asked, "He didn't show up in class after he went to go poop."

"Yeah, he does that sometimes," Kitteh replied, "Don't worry about it, he will make to his next class...I think. Anyways, see ya at lunch!" Kitteh ran in the opposite direction of the hallway.

"See ya!" I said. I started to walk to English class.

After 3 more periods of class, Lunch came. I used the school map to find the cafeteria, since I didn't know my way around the school. When I got there, I saw Kitteh and Chua sitting at the fourth table to the right. I walked over to them and I saw that Kitteh saved me a seat. "Hey, Kooljo!" She said, "WASSUP BETCH!" Chua said.

"Hey." I replied.

I sat next to Kitteh, since she saved me a seat. I noticed that Chua was drawing on a drawing tablet, while Kitteh was playing Minecraft on a mini green laptop. This school really doesn't care about the technology we bring to school besides our phones, don't they? , I thought.

I looked at what Chua was drawing on his tablet and it looked like...rice...

"Why are you drawing rice, Chua?" I asked, "Because I can." Chua replied as he kept drawing. "Chua really loves rice. He is basically like a Japanese person...but not...." Kitteh whispered into my right ear, "Wow." I said.

"He always eats rice for Lu-" Kitteh was suddenly cut off by something unknown. She was looking in a direction, surprised. Then, she smiled with a kind of smile you would see on a brave person.

Then, I saw a guy who looked the same height as Kitteh walking towards our direction. He had a bowl-shaped haircut, but the bangs by his forehead were shorter than the others. He was wearing a black Nike sweater with the Nike logo and collar orange, black pants, and orange Nike sneakers.

"Long time, no see, Kitteh." He said

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