Chapter Five

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Okay, time for the chapter! :3

Enjoy! :D


"If it isn't Mr. Soapy himself." Kitteh said towards the Nike guy. "Well, its nice to see you too, Kitteh." The Nike guy said with a little grin on his face. "Um, Kitteh, who's this?" I whispered into Kitteh's ear. "Soapy." The Nike guy said, "Who are you?". I was surprised how he managed to hear me when i whispered very quietly. It was probably one of his spirit animal powers."Oh Ceremai, don't act like a protective boyfriend now." Kitteh said in an annoyed tone. "Well, I tried my best not to." Soapy said. "So," Kitteh asked, "What do you want?" Chua kept drawing rice on his drawing tablet like no one was around him. How does he manage this?

"Well, I was wondering if I could sit with you gu-"

"Oh hell no," Kitteh said, "Go hang out with the jocks, not us."

"Oh come on! The jocks are annoying has fuck with their girlfriends. Don't even ask how they got them on the first day."

"Let him join us," I said, "I don't want anyone to feel lonely."

"WHAT?!" Kitteh yelled, "ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY?!"

"Hey!" I said, "Just because you guys had your differences, doesn't mean you guys shouldn't eat at the same lunch table!"

"Ugh," Kitteh said with a disgusted tone, "Fine, but don't be an annoying fuck. Got it, Soapy?"

"Sure." Soapy replied.

Soapy went to go sit next to Chua. He probably knew that Kitteh would kill him if he sat next to her. "Long time, no see, Chua." Soapy said towards Chua. Chua just nodded his head and kept drawing his rice. He really loves his rice.

When we got our food, everyone had crazy things on their trays. Kitteh had two cheeseburgers, a can of grape Snapple juice, three cheese pretzels, and four churros. Chua just had a big bowl of rice. Soapy had a salad with only lettuce in it. My tray just had macaroni-and cheese on it with a side of some fried chicken. I was basically the only one with a normal tray.

"Wow, Kitteh," I said, "You really have a lot of stuff on your tray."

"DON'T JUDGE ME!" Kitteh yelled. She went back to eating her food.

Soapy started to lean in closer to me, since he was across the table. "She reeeally likes the cheeseburgers...and cheese pretzels...and churros," He whispered, "Don't say anything about her lunch that might offend her."

"I'll keep that in mind." I said.

The bell started to ring. Everyone at my table (Which was only me, Kitteh, Chua, and Soapy) got up and walked to the trash disposal with our trays. "Well," Kitteh said, "I'm guessing we all have different classes. So let's meet up after school. Alright?" Everyone, including me, nodded and threw our trash away and placed our trays on top of the disposal. "See ya after school!" Kitteh said as she ran down the hallway. "You too!" I said. I turned around and that Chua and Soapy weren't there. It looked like already left for their classes. Rude, I thought. I looked at my schedule and saw that I had math class next with Mrs. Bluewut. I started to walk down the hallway where the classroom was.

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