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For once, I actually wasn't able to pay attention during Professor's Buckingham's lecture. All I could think about was that set of words, "See me after class". It all felt surreal, like it was too good to be true. I must have been really lost in my thoughts, because before I knew it, people were packing up their things and leaving. Class was over.

Now was the moment. Professor Buckingham was packing up his things, but he was doing it slower than usual. He was waiting for me. I shoved my stuff into my backpack, and made my way towards the podium and table.

"Uh...Professor Buckingham?" I said quietly. He looked up at me, his brown eyes quickly scanning my face and then falling on my essay which I had in my hand.

"So we finally meet Rhiannon." he said with a smile. The nerves kept me from saying anything. I opened my mouth to respond but nothing came out. He continued to smile.

"You're nervous aren't you? You're a freshman correct? If that's the case, it's completely normal. But I assure you, we are humans like you", he said, his tone light.

At that, I felt myself relax. "I'm sorry. I think I'm still in shock over this", I said holding up my essay. "I really do enjoy your class. I've always enjoyed psychology, ever since I was a little girl. Your insight into everything is just intriguing. You view things differently. You understand what is accepted by the scientific community, but you are willing to go in deeper, look at things from another perspective..."

I realized I was rambling, and I quickly shut my mouth. I looked at him, hoping he wasn't annoyed. He wasn't. He was leaning on the podium, and I'm pretty sure he was psychoanalyzing me. It was agonizing, and I felt really awkward. Why in God's name would he choose me?

"Well Rhiannon, I've only talked with you for a few minutes, but I'm already convinced that I've chosen the right person for the intern position at Arkham Asylum. And now that I can connect a face to a name, I'm more confident than ever in my position. I've seen you in class. You do sit in the front after all, and you sure do pay attention", he said with a sly smile.

I could feel my cheeks turning red. I mean, I did sit in the front because I wanted to really pay attention in class, but maybe it was also because he was an attractive man. I mean, he is way older than me, but I know there is a stage in girls where we find older men attractive. Gosh I have issues. Maybe I do need a boyfriend.

He continued, "You clearly have a passion for psychology. Out of the 200 essays in here, yours stood out. Your essay stood out from those who clearly bull-shitted the entire assignment, and from those who have the knowledge, but that's it. You have both. Passion and knowledge. That's what this field needs. I realized that when I worked at Arkham."

I put my backpack down on the table, and sat on the edge. There was something in the way he sounded when saying that last sentence. It sounded like...pity. I looked at him attentively, hoping he would expound. He did.

"As you know, Arkham Asylum is home to Gotham's most notorious and most disturbing criminals. The things some of them did. You read about the doings of serial killers, rapists, arsonists, and what not in the textbooks. You think you know it all. Until you step into Arkham. They go above and beyond. Their acts are horrendous. However, once you look past that, you see that many come from troubled pasts. They need help. And people who don't have passion don't see that. They treat them as though they are not human beings. I understand that their actions may seem to justify taking away that title, but how does that help them? We ended up treating them no better than the people they were victims of. We end making them more into monsters. That's why I left Arkham. The people in charge...disgrace. The doctors...deserve to have their licenses revoked. I grew sick of it."

I sat there in silence, but his words did ring true to me. I myself had felt that way...about the patients. I've always felt that everyone has a bad side to them. But for many of us, we can handle what comes our way and we come out unscathed. But for some, it's simply to much. Sometimes things hit people that hit all the right buttons, that eventually release that person that we all suppress.

"I felt I could make a change out here. Getting to the root of the problem. I felt that perhaps if I could help students see that, perhaps our future psychologists and psychiatrists would come to realize what I realized. I can't mold everyone to my liking of course. I can only plant the seed. But I always try to find that one person...that one person with potential. And this year, that person was you Rhiannon." he looked at me, his eyes shining.

"I feel the same way you feel Professor. I always have." He nodded at that and then he reached into his bag and pulled out a folder, with "Arkham" printed in black, bold, block letters. He stretched his hand over to me, handing me the folder. "Just fill out the paperwork. All that you need to know is inside. Unless you...aren't interested..."

I take the folder in hand. I look at it. This folder could be the start of my future. I was finally in charge of my destiny. My heart was telling me yes.

"I gladly accept the position Professor Buckingham. I'll have all this filled out and turned into you by next lecture."

He extended his hand out, and I extended mine and we shook on it.

"Welcome to Arkham Asylum", he said playfully.

~ I just wanted to thank everyone who has been consistently leaving me comments and voting for my story, especially ChristineSalmons1 and GrayRobin!! I hope everyone is enjoying the story so far! Jerome is on his way, no worries! And please, do not be afraid to leave constructive criticism! :D ~

My Deadly Mistake (Jerome Valeska/Gotham FanFiction) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now