Hellish Past

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That entire week, my mind stayed lingering on Jerome. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't stop thinking about him. Even when I wasn't at Arkham, he was with me. Just thinking about him would bring a smile to my face, and I would feel chills run through me as I thought about how he held me in his arms when he kissed me.

He even haunted me in my dreams. Every night he would be there, smiling at me, his arms open wide waiting for me. What scared me was that in those dreams, I would run to him. I would fall into his open arms and it seemed as though I had been waiting my whole life for that moment. I would wake up every morning in a state of confusion...the dreams just felt so real.

I continued my routine at Arkham, but it had lost its touch. I now felt like I was walking on pins and needles. Anthony now kept his distance, but I know that he is still watching me close enough to see whether or not something is going on between Jerome and I. I have stopped going to the recreation room, even though I have a burning desire to be in there. I just go about my daily tasks.

I thought that perhaps not seeing Jerome so often would calm my emotions down, but I think it proved to do the opposite. I haven't seen him since the day Sionis tried to rape me, and I found that I missed him. I know that staying away from him would be more beneficial to me, but I feel like I'm dying in the process.

Relief soon came enough when it was the day for Jerome and I to have another therapy session. As I was walking to the room, I was surprised that Anthony wasn't there waiting for me.


I really don't feel like dealing with him today.

I walk into the room, checking this time that I'm the only one in here. Jerome isn't here, but I glance at the clock and see that I'm a little bit early. I sit on the sofa, and take out my phone. I put on some music on, trying to make myself relax. I tap the shuffle button and place the phone on the sofa. Soon enough, the music has me in its grip.

I soon find myself singing the song, and I soon find myself no longer sitting on the sofa. It's a song that my mom and I used to sing together, and I can't help but feel nostalgia take over. All of sudden, I'm back in that small town in the home mom and I shared. I remember being maybe only 5 or 6 and my mom twirling me around in her arms singing to me the songs that were playing on her vinyls. I can see her smiling at me as she would say, "Sing Rhiannon! Let that voice of yours free!"

I'm soon twirling around the room, my dress swirling about me, and I begin to sing along with the song.

The walls run high, to veil a swelling tear

Oh, let the walls burn down, set your secrets free

You can break their bounds, cause you're safe with me

You can lose your doubt, cause you'll find no danger

Not here

You can talk to me

Talk to me

You can talk to me

You can set your secrets free, baby

For those 4 minutes, I forgot about everything. I sing the song to the very end, doing my best to hit every note. Once it ends, I can't help but let out a laugh.

Then all of sudden out of the blue, I hear clapping. I quickly turn to find Jerome standing with his back to the closed door. He is leaning against it, while clapping his hands.

"Wow Rhiannon. You should be in show business...you have a really beautiful voice."

I feel my cheeks grow hot at his words. He saw me. Oh God I must have looked like a fool.

My Deadly Mistake (Jerome Valeska/Gotham FanFiction) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now