Blood Oaths and Vows

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I woke up to the sound of birds chirping and to the hustle and bustle of Fleming City. I could hear the honking of irritated drivers, and the sounds of people yelling.  I blink, trying to get my eyes to adjust to the bright sunlight that has seeped into the room. I sit up, rubbing my eyes, taking note of the mess that we left last night. 

I let out a yawn as I stretch out my arms. My arm reaches over to touch Jerome, but all I feel is the silky sheets. Where is he?

I soon get my answer when I realize that the shower is on. Damn. He's such an early riser I have to admit. I glance over to the little nightstand that is on my side of the bed, and I notice a plate with some cut up pieces of fruit. Right next to it is a glass of orange juice, a little white piece of paper propped up against it. 

I reach over and grab the note along with the plate of fruit. I begin to eat the pieces of pineapple, apple, and strawberries with my fingers, using my free hand to open up the folded note. I smile as my eyes scan the words.

"Rise and shine Princess. Just a little something from me, only a small expression of the gigantic amount of love I have for you. I love you. I love you. Do you know I love you? I love you so much baby girl. - J"

I find myself reading the words over and over again, taking pleasure in the warm fuzzy feeling growing inside me. I'm still eating when I hear the shower turn off. Moments later, Jerome walks out, a towel wrapped around his hips.

I immediately take notice of how the water glistens on his body as he walks over to his suitcase. His red hair is super dark compared to when it's dry. The normally full and voluminous red hair is flat, almost stuck to his head. He looks like a wet puppy with those eyes of his.

His eyes. I had always thought they were blue, but last night when we were together, I noticed that they had this greenish tint to them. Sometimes they looked more green, while at other times they appeared more blue. It was fascinating to me, since I just have my normal brown eyes. 

Jerome doesn't realize I'm awake, and I take the opportunity to just gaze upon him. I feel my cheeks grow hot at the memories we made last night. Last night...

I had always wanted my first time to be special, but I never expected what happened last night. Apart of me had thought that Jerome had over exaggerated his skills when it came to being a lover. I mean he does have a cocky attitude about a lot of things, which I don't mind at all to be honest. His confidence in himself and his abilities is very attractive to me. 

But last night...oh my god. 

I know I have nothing to compare to, but I know that no other man will ever be able to love me the way Jerome does. All last night, Jerome led me into what almost seems like a whole other world. He took me into ecstasy over and over again. Even though the end result was the same glorious feeling, he knew how to deliver it in a new and exciting way every single time.

He would take me slowly, taking pleasure in watching me reach my peak slowly. He would bring his body as close to mine as possible, rubbing his chest up and down against my breasts with every single slow, but deep thrust. His hands would roam my body, leaving a trail of chills on my skin. He would bring his face close to mine, putting me under his spell with those gorgeous eyes of his. He would bury his face in my neck, murmuring little things here and there, kissing spots that he had discovered, spots that brought me closer to the edge. He would sometimes rear up slightly so that he could watch as he moved inside me, then telling me how beautiful I looked as I held him in my body. He would take me gently, but never did the glorious feeling at the end diminish in pleasure. 

But then he could be the exact opposite. I discovered that as the night passed. I knew Jerome had wanted to make the night all about me, but he slowly realized that I wanted him to take pleasure in having me in the way he wanted. I was scared at first to be quite honest. I didn't know what Jerome's desires were when it came to sex, but he again took me into territory that I soon found I enjoyed. 

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