This Loser Has Been Tagged!

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I'm sorry for those who thought this was an update for my story. I'm working on the next chapter as we speak, and oh my gosh I hate that I have to write this part since it's breaking my heart but the story must go on!

I seriously don't know why you lovely people tag me in these tag things. I'm like the least interesting person here on Wattpad, and I know my tags are always like super boring.

But since I was tagged by my lovely bby psycho_cigarettes I'll go ahead and do this. I will try to make this as interesting as possible, but hey you're dealing with me here. And I'm not that interesting, so maybe these will be funny or weird I don't know.

Okay so 13 facts about me! (I'm pretty sure these are going to be all over the place so I'm sorry in advance).

Fact 1: I love to run! I used to run track and I used to play soccer when I was in middle school. I stopped when I entered high school but just recently I'm getting back to what I really love which is running! I'm up to 2 miles right now, and I'm now working to get to 3 miles. My goal is to do some 5K runs in the fall. 😊

Fact 2: Because I'm a hopeless romantic, I absolutely love watching Spanish soap operas. I know they can be super dramatic but I'm not going to lie when I say that watching those has for sure helped in my creating stories. I'm currently watching 3 right now. 😏😏😏

Fact 3: I have a bad habit of rewatching TV series that I've already seen. I think I do it because some of them I watched when I was younger, and now that I'm going to be 20 later this year, I see things differently.

Fact 4: I really want to learn how to play guitar. Everyone says to learn acoustic, but I really want to learn how to play electric guitar. It's probably because of all the classic rock I listened to while growing up. Thanks mom. 🎸🎸🎸

Fact 5: For some reason, I really like to wash cars. I don't know why but it's like super relaxing to me. I have like an entire routine down for when I wash Harley (yes I name my cars). I have to vacuum the inside, wipe down everything on the inside, then I wash the exterior twice, scrub my wheels, and then hand dry it with a special towel. ☺️☺️

Fact 6: I would love to learn how to dance. More specific I want to learn how to do like the tangos, the bachata dances, and all the Latin dances to be honest. 💃🏽

Fact 7: I love being near the water. That includes going to the beach, the waterparks, going fishing, going out on the boat I love it all. Especially in the summer with my family. ☀️☀️

Fact 8: I don't look it, but I'm Mexican af. 😂🇲🇽

Fact 9: I love wearing out there lipsticks. I say out there because where I live, it's not common to see people wearing different color lipsticks besides the norm. I love wearing grays, blues, deep reds. It's become a defining thing about me. I'm known in the group as the girl with those bold lipsticks. 💋💄

Fact 10: I haven't really told anyone except maybe one person but I'm officially a business undergraduate. I can't wait to start my business courses this year, and I'm psyched because my university has a really good business school.

Fact 11: When I was younger, I was obsessed (and still am kind of) with Ancient Egypt. I knew all the myths and gods, and I could tell you how they made a person into a mummy. I was a weird child. 😳

Fact 12: This is kind of embarrassing but I can't for the life of me style my hair. I can only blow dry it, curl it, or scrunch it. Ask me to put it in a braid or bun and you can forget it. Part of it is because my hair doesn't like to be braided and putting it up hurts my head. 😂

My Deadly Mistake (Jerome Valeska/Gotham FanFiction) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now