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I knocked on Kakashi's door. It was time for dinner. "Hello Kiba." Kakashi said opening the door.

"Hi, Kakashi Sensei." I forced a smile.

"Aiko isn't here yet but Neji, Naruto, Shino, and Lee are. Come on in." He stepped out of the way to let me in."

"Yo, Kiba where's Akamaru?" Naruto said jumping up from his seat.

"Real smooth, Naruto." Lee said facepalming.

"He is at the veterinarian building." I sighed. It was one bad thing after another today.

"Why what happened?" Naruto said oblivious to the fact I didn't want to talk about it.
"Drop it." I growled.

"Okay. Okay. Geez." Naruto said holding his hands up in defense.

"Someone's moody." Shino pointed out.

"Sorry." I smiled awkwardly scratching the back of my neck. "Rough day." I shrugged.

Before anyone could ask me why Sasuke, Choji,and ugh great that ass from the sand village Gara. I rolled my eyes at the site of him.

"You really don't like me do you?" Gara said crossing his arms.

"Not really." I sneered.

"To bad." He said shrugging.

"You little..." I started.

"Kiba calm down." A demanding, female voice said.

I looked and was met by Sakura's eyes. Why was she here? Aiko hated her and she hated Aiko? Kakashi must have invited her.

"Screw off." I told her angrily. No one tells me what to do besides Kurenai Sensei. And Kakashi. And my mom. And my sister. And grandma Tsunade. And sometimes Shino. And Aiko. Okay just them. Nobody else.

"Want to play a game of Kunai bullseye?" Neji asked.

Kunai bullseye was simple really. You get three Kunai and you throw them at a small/medium-sized target. Closest to the center wins.

Neji went first. He hit the third ring from the center his first two times and one ring from the center his last turn. Now it was my turn.

"You okay?" Neji asked just as I was about to throw my first Kunai.

"Just fine." I grunted throwing the Kunai. It didn't even hit the board. My Kunai found its resting place three feet left of the playing board.

"You sure?" Neji asked eyeing my Kunai.

"Positive." I huffed throwing my second Kunai. This one found its resting place five feet above the playing board.

Neji was getting ready to say something else but Shikamaru walked in the room. "Naruto why are you on the ceiling?" He questioned hands in his pockets.

"Gara!" Aiko squealed before Naruto could answer. She ran and jumped into his open arms. He spun her around and almost smiled.

I didn't even turn away from them. I threw my Kunai at the playing board as hard as I physically could. It found rest in the direct middle of the playing board.

"It's only been a month since you last saw me." Gara said setting her down.

"It's felt like a year." She giggled shoving her hands I'm her pockets.

I felt jealous, angry, hurt and envy all at the same time. She has yet to even look at me. She has already greeted everyone but me.

Shikamaru raised his eyebrow at me and slightly nodded at her. That was his way of telling me to say something first.

"Hey Aiko." I said trying to keep my voice smooth.

She finally looked up at me. "Kiba." She said before turning her attention to Lee. She asked about his last mission. The others all looked at me strangely except Shikamaru he just smack his hand against his face and shook his head.

"Dinner." Kakashi said peeking around the corner.

Everyone filed out. I grabbed Aiko's wrist before she had a chance to leave. "I need to talk to you after everyone leaves." She opened he mouth to protest. "No exceptions." I said seriously.

"Okay." She looked at the ground.

"Come on Aiko." Gara shouted.

I didn't realize I tightened my grip around Aiko's wrist. Until Aiko said something. "Kiba your hurting me." She cried out Shocked trying to pry my hand off of her wrist.

I let go of her wrist and she rubbed it quickly. "I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me." I apologized.

"It's okay." Her face softened. "Come on lets go eat. " she smiled at me.

Wasn't she just mad at me? Now she's not?
I walked in behind her. She sat beside Gara and sat on the other side of her. We were all squished together pretty tightly. Except for Kakashi and Sakura. They sat at either ends of the table.

"Choji I bet you five hundred yen I can eat more than you." She narrowed her eyes at him and leaned forward on the table slightly.

The room exploded in different noises of excitement. Even Kakashi joined in.

"Your on." Choji laughed grabbing his chopstick and began eating. The rest of us started eating also.

Aiko shifted and her leg was now pressed against mine. I became hyper aware of her. Every breath she took. The warmth of her skin through my pant leg. The way she smelled. All of it.

"Kiba." She said seriously. Everyone got serious at her tone.

I turned to asked her what. As I opened my mouth she shoved a bite of food in my mouth.

"Try this!" She shouted.

The whole room burst into laughter including me. Aiko just giggled and Gara smirked. I smoked mouth still filled with food.

"What was that?" I asked after I swallowed.

"Pork,Chicken,Rice, and Beans." She said. "It's my new favorite food."

"Ah." I said getting !me a huge helping of it. Kakashi got up to get more food. "It's damn good." I said mouth watering a bit.

"Kiba stop staring at it like its Aiko and eat it already." Shikamaru said not even looking at me.

Don't blue Kiba. Don't do it. Keep it cool. Your in control.

Sakura squealed "Oh my God! Kiba are you blushing?" She giggled.

"No." I said looking down at my plate totally embarrassed.

"You so are?" She squealed.

"Enough Sakura." I heard Aiko demand. She placed her hand on my leg under the table I'm attempts to calm me.

"What crawled up your ass and died?" Sakura asked hatefully.

"Your personality." Aiko huffed.

A bunch of Ooo's went off around the table.

"Exuse me?" I looked up and saw complete disbelief on her face.

"You heard me." Aiko smirked.

"You little...little...Jackass." She huffed unable to find another word.

"Sakura enough." Naruto, Sasuke, and Kakashi said min unison.

Sakura hunched over defeated and ate her food quietly. After a few more minutes Aiko moved her hand onto the table. She shifted so her leg was no longer touching me. There was actually a gap between us which want she was pretty much on top of Gara.

Aggravation shot through my body. Then anger. Followed by jealously. Then lastly nervousness. This last wave of emotion was because I thought about the conversation I would be having with Aiko I'm a few short hours after everyone leaves.

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