Chapter One

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[ Y/N ]

I walked inside Phoenix El Vida University with books in my arms. I'm a new student here, so does Jack.

Oh my gosh, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm y/n l/n. My family and I are from Calgary, Canada. We moved to America because my parents want to. Crazy right? Anyways, my parents are very rich. We own so many companies around the world. Everyone wanted to get a job at our company. I have an older brother named Jack. He also studies at Phoenix El Vida University.

"Hey sis are you ok?" Jack asked me. I nodded, "I'm cool Jack" I replied. He nodded and we walked to our lockers. My locker is number 24. Jack has 14. "Well I gotta go. See you later little sis" Jack said and he walked away.



An angry female voice screamed. "I'm so sorry" I said as I picked up our books. I stood up and gave it to her. "Sorry" I apologized again. She just gave me a small nod and smiled at me. "Are you new here? I haven't seen you around before" she said. "Yeah I'm new here" I said. "Hey I'm Lauren. Lauren Jauregui, you?" She said as she extended her hand.

"I'm y/n l/n" I replied and we shook hands. I felt something strange when we touched hands. She pulled away and smiled at me. "So what's your first class?" She asked me. "I have.....Chemistry" I replied. "OMG, same let's go" Lauren cheerfully replied and grabbed my hand as she dragged me to our class. Weird....I feel something when she touched my hand.

We walked inside our room and sat at the back part. "So where are you from?" Lauren asked me. "Calgary, Canada" I replied. "You?" I asked. "Miami" Lauren replied. "Got any sibling?" I asked. "Yeah. A younger brother and sister" Lauren replied. "Wow. I have an older brother" I replied. "What's his name?" Lauren asked. "Jack...." I replied.

"How does it feel like when you have an older brother?" Lauren asked. I shrugged, "It's cool I guess. I mean Jack can be very protective of me sometimes" I said. Lauren nodded. The door opened and students fill the room followed by the teacher. "Hello class. I am ma'am Phoebe and I will be your chemistry teacher for this school year" the teacher spoke.

"This school year we have a new student. Y/n L/n please stand up and introduce yourself to the class" ma'am Phoebe said. I stood up and smiled, "Hello I'm y/n l/n. I'm from Calgary Canada" I said. The teacher nodded and I sat down. "Do you want to have lunch with me and my friends?" Lauren asked. I nodded, "Sure thanks" I replied.

The teacher started her lesson and blah blah blah blah blah, I wasn't listening cause I was so bored when it comes to chemistry and stuff.....

I pulled out my notebook and wrote random stuffs....

*Time Skip*

Its finally lunch time. I opened my locker and place my books inside. I closed my locker, "Hey" Lauren said. I smiled, "Hey" I responded. "How's you first day going?" She asked. "Super...." I responded.

She nodded, "Well let's go. My friends are waiting" Lauren said ans dragged me to the cafeteria since I don't known the way.

We walked inside and ordered our foods. Lauren led me to where her friends are. "Hey girls" Lauren greeted two girls. They both have the same age as me and Lauren. "New friend?" One of them asked. Lauren nodded, "Yeah I met her earlier. This is y/n. Y/n these are my friends, Dinah Hansen and Ally Hernandez" Lauren introduced. They gave ma a smiled as me and Lauren sat down.

When Love Is Gone (Lauren/You/Camila)Where stories live. Discover now