Chapter Twenty Three

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[ Y/N ]


Someone spoke behind me and Camila. Me and Camila turn around and saw a gorgeous girl with green eyes. "How does she know your name?" Camila whispered. I shrugged my shoulders, "Don't know. I don't even know her"

"Y/n I missed you so much. How are you?" the green eyed girl said and gave me a tight hug. "Y/n how are you? I missed you" the person said and pulled away. Ok what the hell is happening?

"I'm sorry but I don't know who you are?" I asked in confused. "Y/n, you don't remember me? I'm Lauren, Lauren Jauregui" the girl spoke. I shook my head, "Sorry but I swear I don't know who you are" I said and held Camila's hand and walked away. "WHO'S SHE?!?!?!" Camila yelled. I raised my hands in defeat, "Mila, I swear I don't know who she is" I said.

Camila sighed, "Ok fine I believe you. Sorry if I yelled" Camila apologized. I hugged her, "It's ok babe" I pulled away and we walked to find the others. We saw them eating in the cafeteria. "Thanks for leaving us in the house guys" I sarcastically greeted them as me and Camila took a seat next to each other. "Yeah see? I told you she'll thank me when she gets to school" Jack said to the others.

I hit him in the head and he groaned, "OW!!!" 

I shook my head. Then the girl Lauren walked inside the cafeteria. She made her way towards us. "Hey Jack" she spoke. Jack looked up and her eyes widened. "Lauren" Jack said coldly as he gave Lauren a death glare. Wait what? Lauren knew Jack, and Jack knew Lauren? How come I didn't know this event in my life? "You two knew each other?" Camila asked. "Apparently, yes" Jack said.

Me and Camila stared at each other. "Jack can I talk to you for a sec?" Lauren asked. Jack nodded and left us.

[ JACK ]

"Ok Jauregui, what do you want?"

I asked her as we walked far from y/n and the others. "What happened to y/n while you were gone?" Lauren asked. "Why do you even care? As far as I remember, you hurt y/n" I said. "You said something to her that made her cry, ran out of school and hit by a car" I said.

Lauren was shock and turned white. "She got hit by a car?" She asked. "Yes. She had a five month coma after that" I said. "Well how does that explain the fact that she can't remember me?" Lauren asked.

Dear God, am I gonna tell her y/n has amnesia? No, what if she'll force y/n to remember everything and y/n will be crushed? But if I do tell her she'll know that because of her y/n Is like this and maybe she'll leave us alone. Oh God, why do I have to make hard choices like this?

I took a deep breath, "Y/n has amnesia" I said.  Lauren stared in horror, "What? Since when?" She asked. I scoffed, "Why do you care? You started this anyway" I walked away from her.

I don't even know why I told her. Probably cause she might feel guilty of what she did.


Y/n..... Has an amnesia? I did this. Because of me y/n can't remember me. Don't get me wrong, I don't wanna ruin our friendship but the popularity is killing me. Now you might wonder why I became all concern, we'll it's because the whole gang is not in school. Brad was sent to Europe as a punishment.

Now no one can tell me what to do, so.......

Anyways, I really wanna be friends with y/n again but she has an amnesia. A FUCKING AMNESIA!!!!!!

I walked inside the cafeteria to see y/n and that brunette talking. I wonder where the others went.

"Hey are you ok?"

I heard the brunette asked y/n. "Yeah I'm fine Mila" y/n replied. The brunette or Mila moved closer to y/n and rested her head on y/n's shoulder. Y/n wrapped her arms around Mila and pulled her closer. Y/n kissed Mila on her temple.

"What time does class start babe?" The brunette asked. Babe? Wait are they together? "In a few minutes" y/n replied, "We better go to class baby girl"

"Can you please carry me?" The brunette begged. Y/n chuckled and carried Mila bridal style to their next class which is homeroom. Great I also have that class.

I kinda see that y/n changed. She became like me but she's more of a bad ass. She became all gothic, and I heard her swear a lot of times. Yup our old nerdy y/n is lost. I saw Ally and Dinah and I ran up to them.

"Y/n has an amnesia" I said. They looked at each other then back at me, "Uhm yeah we know that" Ally said. What? "Huh?" I asked. "We know that y/n has a five month comma and after that she has an amnesia. Her family moved back to Canada and now when they came back y/n is all gothic and she has a girlfriend. Jack also has a girlfriend, but that's not the point. Y/n has a girlfriend, that brunette girl named Camila. They just started yesterday, but hey have feelings for each other three years ago when y/n is in Canada" Ally explained.

"You missed a lot you dick face" Dinah said before they walked away. They walked inside Homeroom class and I just followed them inside where I saw y/n and her whole friends. Y/n has that brunette on her lap.

I felt a pang of jealousy hit me out of no where. Ok I kinda have feelings for y/n before all this shit happen. While I was dating Brad I felt something missing. I really hate it whenever I hurt y/n. Now when y/n is back I just wanted her to remember me.

After a few minutes class started and the teacher walked inside. "Ok for this school year, we have new students and two old students joining us today"

The teacher mentioned the new students' names. When Camila stood up boys whistled. "HEY!!!!! No flirting, she's mine. I'll kill you if you'll take her from me!!!" I warned as I wrapped my arms around Camila and hugged her from behind.

"And we have two old students here. Jack and y/n" me and Jack stood up. Everyone had their jaws to the floor and eyes wide open. Is this really how they react when I come home and a lot of things have changed?

Y/n became hot....

She's hot as fuck dude....

Go out with her man......

She's one bad ass now......

From nerd to bad ass......

Bullshit people!!!!!! Stop with all the freaking new personality and looks talk!!!!! Sure yes I changed but everyone knows people change. Nothing stays the same forever. Chanhr is about to happen. Change is just part of life.......

Anyways, fuck this is gonna be a long day with stupid comments in my way.


Hey what's up people?

Sorry I haven't updated for a long time. I was busy with some stuffs and I'm reading a really cool book.

So hope you like this chapter!!!!!

Vote and comment!!!!!

Adios Chica!!!!!!

RockWithJauregui out.......

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