Chapter Nine

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[ Y/N ]

"Brad's in the clinic? Why?"

Ally asked. I rolled my eyes. "He's a varsity player of basketball. And you guys heard that they had a game after lunch right?" Jessica said. "Yeah" Ally and Dinah replied while I just rolled my eyes. "He sprained his leg while playing" Jessica continued. Then me and Dinah burst out laughing. Talk about LOL, laugh out loud y'all.

"Guys stop it. Why are you laughing?" Ally asked us. Jessica looked at us, a confused look plastered on her face. "Because it's YOLO!!!!" Me and Dinah replied and high fived each other. Ally rolled her eyes at us. We saw her and we tried to hold back our laughs. "Ok thanks for telling us Jess" Ally said.

Jessica nodded and left. When Jessica was gone, me and Dinah burst out laughing again. Ally slapped our shoulders and we gasped. "Fuck....Ally what was that for?" Dinah asked. Ally rolled her eyes. "C'mon this is serious. Sprained leg is very serious. Who is gonna replace Brad in our presentation?" Ally said. We thought for a moment. Dinah suddenly grabbed our wrist and dragged us to an empty room.

"What the hell Dj?" I asked. Dinah shut the door and faced us. "What if....Y/n will portray the role of the boy in our presentation?" Dinah said and I laughed again. Oh my God, that is such a good joke. I didn't know Dinah could make a joke that is so funny like fuck. I stopped laughing when I saw the confused look on Ally and Dinah's faces. "What?" I asked. "You thought this is a joke?" Ally asked.

I nodded, "C'mon guys. There's no way I'm doing this" I said. I started walking to the door but Dinah blocked my way. "Dude...." "C'mon y/n who else can it be?" Dinah asked. I stared at her with us 'are you kidding me?' Look on my face. "You who else. I mean Ally already has a role!!!" I stated the obvious. "Me? No way" Dinah said. "Me? No way" I said. Ally rolled her eyes. "Please y/n" she begged. "No" I said. "C'mon you told us you like Lauren so this is your chance to do any romantic gestures to her. Who knows maybe she'll get the message and she'll know you like her" Ally said. "So if I didn't tell you I like her, you won't do this to me?" I asked.

"No....Cause even if you won't tell us, we still know cause we can see that you really like her" Dinah said. "No" I said. "Yes" they said. "No way in hell" I said. "Yes" they responded.

















I groaned, "Ok fine I'll do it" I sighed in defeat. I know I'll never win over these two idiots. "Ok you know what?" I said. "What?" Ally and Dinah asked. "I hate you guys so much" I said. They smirked. I scoffed and we walked out of the room. We stayed by our lockers while waiting for Lauren. "Oh my Gods, what about Lauren? She thought noupperlipson is still her partner" I said."OMG you're right!!!" Ally said.

"God damn it, I knew this wouldn't work" I said. "What wouldn't work?"

We heard a voice. A familiar raspy female voice.


We walked out of our classroom. Our stupid professor released us late. Our free period is suppose to be 30 minutes and he released us ten minutes after. Stupid right?

I saw the girls having a huge conversation. I walked up to them. "God damn it I knew this wouldn't work" y/n said. Wait what? What wouldn't work? Are they hiding something from me? "What wouldn't work?" I asked. They turn around and they looked like they have seen a ghost. They looked at each other then back at me. "Hey Lauren" they said.

"C'mon guys. Don't lie to me. What were you guys talking about?" I said. "Nothing. We were talking about....." Ally said. "Ally's phone broke!!!" Dinah exclaimed. "Huh?" Y/n and Ally asked. Dinah grabbed Ally's phone from her hands and dropped it. The phone broke into pieces and Ally and y/n gasped. "See it wouldn't work" Dinah said. I nodded. Ally crouched down and took her broken phone and shoved it in her bag. "Don't worry Ally, me and y/n will just buy you a new phone" Dinah said.

"Wait what? Why are you guys dragging me into this?" Y/n said. Dinah looked at y/n and y/n rolled her eyes. "Come on let's go to the cafeteria to practice our performance" Ally said. "Wait what about Brad?" I asked them. "Brad?" They asked. I nodded, "Isn't he suppose to be here" I said. "Oh he's absent" y/n said. "What? Why? Is he sick?" I asked. "Yeah he is so sick" Dinah said.

I nodded. Oh I hope Brad is ok. We walked in the cafeteria and sat down. We started practicing our lines again. "Wait who is going to be my partner now?" I asked. "Y/N!!!!" Dinah and Ally yelled while pointing at y/n. Y/n rolled her eyes. "Yeah I mean I have a boy wig in my locker anyways" Dinah said.

I nodded and we continued practicing. After a few minutes the bell rang. Everyone stood up and walked to their classrooms. We walked in our computer classroom. Cause we have the same classes and our next class is computer so....Yeah. YOLO.

We walked inside the room and chilled out for a while. The room is air conditioned. We talked and laughed for a while until students walked inside the room followed by the teacher. "Good afternoon class. Today I will give you a free time for you to practice your presentation for you acting class next period. Your teacher talked to me and told me to give you this time to practice" our teacher said. We cheered and started walking to our groups.

I walked up to y/n, Ally and Dinah. We practiced our presentation until the bell rang. It's just a 10 minutes presentation. It's suppose to be 20 minutes, but we deleted some scenes.

* A few minutes later *

The bell rang and everyone ran out of the room. They went to their classes and sat down. The teacher walked inside when everyone was inside. "Ok class let's begin with.....Jonathan Autumn, Elsa Crystals, Anna Great, Jessie Teves" the teacher said. Ok this is going smooth right?

After a few minutes their performance was over. It was horror. "Hey Lauren you ok?" I looked at my side and saw y/n. I smiled at her, "Yeah I'm fine, I'm good" I replied. I leaned my head on her shoulder. I felt y/n's hand was placed around my shoulder.

Ok why am I having this feeling? This crazy feeling like I like y/n? No way....Never in a million years. There's no way I'm having feelings for a girl. I can't like a girl.....Right?


Hey guys, sorry if the chapter is so short. I'm still thinking of what I'm gonna write for the next chapter.

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Peace and love


When Love Is Gone (Lauren/You/Camila)Where stories live. Discover now