Chapter 18

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Peter's POV

I watched Ace disappear into the woods, my heart dropping in my chest. I hated letting her leave again, I hated putting her at risk. But what other choice did I have? I had to prove to her that I trusted her, I didn't want her to doubt me. I didn't want to lose her.

"Wow," I heard Tink say. I turned around to see her walking towards me. "I've never seen you so passionate about something, or in this case, someone."

I rolled my eyes. "How many times do I need to tell you I love the bloody girl?"

Tink shrugged. "Wasn't going to believe it until I saw it. But that-" she points to where Ace left. "That's a girl you shouldn't ever let go of, because God knows you don't deserve her."

I nodded, turning to look at the woods. "I know."

"You shouldn't have let her go," I heard someone say. I turned back to see Felix by Tink.

"What do you mean I shouldn't have?"

"Screw the plan, what if she gets killed? What are you going to do then?"

"Felix, what have you decided it's time for a role reversal? Last time I tried to be protective  she almost left me? Remember? And who sat there the whole time trying to get me to tell her?" I asked him, angry now.

"This is different, this is her life. I'm sure she wants nothing more than to be back here with us," Felix said.

"What the bloody hell makes you think you know what she wants!" I yelled.

Felix held his hands up, taking a step back. "I'm just thinking out loud."

"Yes and no one wants to hear your thoughts because you're lowering the intelligence of the entire camp," I snapped. Felix looked at me with a stone expression, and then walked away.

I was sick of Felix bossing around my life. He may be my best friend, but he was too controlling. Yet again, that was coming from me.

I looked over at Tink once again. "You're positive we can't go tonight?"

She shrugged. "At this point, I would still wait. It's what's best, trust me."

"Yes, but won't he be expecting that?" I asked, frustrated.

"Pan, at this point, he's expecting us every night. Every day. It doesn't matter anymore. The only reason we shouldn't go tonight is to let these boys get ready," Tink explained.

I nodded, not bothering to reply. Everyone was right but me recently. I hated it. Why wasn't I thinking straight? Why all of a sudden was I so anxious?

None of it made sense, but at this point, did anything?

Ace's POV

I climbed aboard the ship as the last ray of sunshine dipped below the horizon. The deck was basically empty except for Hook and Lily, discussing something in hushed voices. As I took a step toward then, they both looked up to see me. Hook seemed almost surprised, odd.

"How did it go?" he asked.

"Just terrific," I grumbled. "Always great to see that bloody demon."

Hook smirked. "He's quite the charm, isn't he?"

I rolled my eyes. "Don't ask me what I ever saw in him."

Hook laughed, and then pointed to Tiger Lily. "I was just telling her here our plan to stop Peter."

"What is it?" I asked, eagerly. I was curious, but terrified at the same time.

"I will explain it tomorrow, for now you may want to get some rest."

"Why?" I asked.

Hook smirked. "Because I have a feeling tomorrow night is going to be one hell of a time."

A/N: So this chapter is shorter than the others because it's just where the characters stand at the moment. Next chapter will take place the night of Peter's attack, just so you know.

Song of the Update: These Are The Lies by The Cab

Right now I want to take a moment and talk about the events on November 13. All of my positive thoughts right now go out to Paris/France in this time of terror, to Baghdad in this horrifying time, to Japan with hopes people are found alive, and Mexico with their weather. Hang in there, any of my readers who may be from these areas. Stay safe, stay strong. We can all get through this together.


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