Chapter 20

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@CollidingGakaxies is in no way responsible for any/all of the following: severe fangirling, sobbing, heart break, and/or emotionally damaging amount of feels.

Ace's POV

I watched as Peter held a dagger to Hook's throat, threatening him. Luke watched off to the side, not knowing what to do.

"Luke," I said, storming over. He went to pull out his sword and I held my dagger next to my ear, ready to throw. He removed his hand from his belt. "You get your arse downstairs before you cause us anymore problems."

Luke looked at me and then Hook, simply nodding before turning and running over to the stairs that led below decks.

"Expert in how I play, huh?" I heard Peter ask Hook. "At the moment your expertise seems to be lacking."

Hook smirked. "Why don't you let me down and we'll see if we can have a fair fight.?"

Peter laughed. "Last time I wanted a fair fight with you, you shoved a hook through Ace's back. Not in your wildest dreams, pirate."

"Oh Pan, I expected so much more from you. So much potential," Hook said.

"You're just another wannabe," Hugh joined.

I smiled, walking over to stand in front of him. "Well isn't this a nice twist of events. Remember when you told me all about you finding the potion that almost killed me?" I asked. "Well it just so happens I found the dagger that's going to kill you."

Hugh glared at me. "Go ahead, do it. You don't have it in you."

I smiled. "Well it just so happens I shot my friend a couple days ago. I think I do."

I turned away, from him, pulling out my dagger and twirling it my fingers, before turning around and throwing it. The dagger plunged into the center of his chest. Tink released him, causing Hugh to fall face first onto the deck, dead.

"Well, Ace, it's good to have you back," Felix said.

"It's good to be back." I nodded to Tinker Bell and she nodded back.

"Ace!" Peter called over by Hook. "You want to do the honors?"

I turned to him, ready to fillet Hook. "No, they're all yours."

"You sure?"

I nodded, walking over to join the two. I stopped a few feet away, staying out of Peter's way.

"Ace," I heard a voice say. Peter stopped, dagger in the air ready to be plunged into Hook. I turned to see Tobias standing behind me, the pistol in his hand. Runner stood by Felix, bow raised.

"Don't shoot," I told Runner, keeping my eyes on Tobias and the gun being pointed at me... again.

"But Ace..."

"Dammit Runner don't shoot!" I snapped. He slowly lowered the bow.

I looked at Tobias again. His eyes were bloodshot, his hair a mess. He looked absolutely crazed.

"Tobias, what are you doing?" I asked him.

"Y-you tried to shoot me. You betrayed all of us," he said, his voice shaking. He had completely lost it.

"Listen, okay? I'm sorry, but that gun was not loaded. You're still alive, you're still here. I didn't betray anyone, I'm still on the side I always was," I explained.

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