Rant 4: Lindsay Lohan

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Okay so here is my fourth Rant

Well, Lindsay Lohan.

I'm pretty sure that we all know her right?

She is the actress/Pop singer/ Model who is known, not for her films or work.But for the amount of times she has been arrested and the amount of times she has been in the press for taking drugs, or being drunk.

Now I must admit that when I was younger, growing up I used to respect Lindsay Lohan. She was the young actress that most kids wanted to be when they grew up. She was in Mean girls, freaky Friday and the parent trap. Three reasonably good films right?

So what exactly went wrong?

Drugs and alcohol that's what!

Fair enough people think that 'trying' alcohol and drugs is okay, but the truth is its not okay! In most cases people who start experimenting with drugs will end up getting addicted. Which I'm guessing is exactly what happened to her.

But what annoy's me is that at this point in time she is only ever in the press because she has been taking drugs again, or she's gone out and gotten completely drunk out of her mind. From what I know she hasn't done any new work recently. (But hey! I might be wrong)

I understand that drugs are addictive. But I wish she would just go to rehab like a lot of people with drug or alcohol problems do/need to do.

I mean what kind of image has she made for herself. She was seen in public injecting heroin into her body, then off her head, she snogs Paris Hilton. Who to be honest was probably high as well. It irritates me that some celebs think that just because they are famous they will be able to get away with anything and that they wont get arrested for breaking the law. but also what is irritating is the fact that they do actually get off lighter than most normal people.

'Normal' people would probably get a harsh Jail sentence if they did the stuff that Lindsay Lohan has done. But what does she get? a little bit of jail time, but she still gets let out of jail early because she is famous. But hey, I guess it just proves the point that in some cases rick and famous people get treated better than us!

But then again. I like to think I wouldn't be stupid enough to drink or take drugs in the first place.

But yeah what also annoy's the hell out of me is that Lindsay Lohan is rich, and she is also quite famous. So why in the world would she turn to drugs when she could have any other thing that she wants? Like something to keep her occupied. SO WHY DRUGS!

But she is still quite young and she already has a long history of drug problems. Its a shame really, because I cant help but think about what her life would be like if she hadn't taken drugs.

Anyway. My Rant about Lindsay Lohan is nearing an end.

I would like to say sorry about not uploading for a few days. I'be been kinda busy trying to sort out College stuff. But anyway I'm gonna try to upload possibly at any time in the next three days.

anyway thanks for reading.

And If you have an opinion that you would like to share with me. Then post a comment saying it on the bottom. I hope you enjoyed reading the book so far.

Check out my other books.

Thanks. Sarah xx


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