I like lucas .....

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Today is the last day of high school and nothing could go wrong...
"Sweetie breakfast"my mom shouts.
As I ran  down the hall I saw maya was early which was rare...
"bay window , bay window right now!" Maya said really worried, I looked concerned as she doesn't usual have a  problem until the the middle of the day in my dads class . As we walked into my bedroom she instantly burst into tears.
"Maya what's wrong!" I asked her
"Please tell me peaches" I pleaded
I could tell she was worried by the sound of her voice
"I've kept a secret from you
I can't believe I'm finally telling you ...

I like Lucas" she said as her voice got quieter by the end of her sentence
"what do you mean?"I asked
"He's a bad boy who gets your heart then breaks it or try's to sleep with you then leave you.Why him?" I pleaded
I knew what she was  saying I just couldn't believe it

"well I'm still not sure yet. When I do you will be the first to know and Riley your always telling me to not judge a book by its cover so you should do the same..." She said leaving me to wonder why she was sticking up for him.

"oh,well we best get to school" I said shocked.
"please don't go to Rileytown with this." She pleaded
"I'm not going to go to Rileytown.
I hate him because he is a player and a man whore (sorry)" I told her straight forward
"Let's go and catch our subway" I said still in shock from what I just witnessed

We left the bay window and we never talked on the subway until we got to school...

AN: sorry about the short chapter. will be rucas just not yet hope you liked it please comment and vote (whatever that means I'm new to this ) kind of like girl meets Texas and girl meets Rileytown sorry I just wanted to get right to the the point with this
Thanks xx

My Summer with the Friars: rucas  EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now