Nightmares and ballons

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Riley's PoV: I get back to the holiday home and decide to go to bed. I still have Lucas hoodie on its way to big for me  but I love it, it has Lucas pine tree sent.
(Riley's dream)
??:You are stupid and he'll break your heart and you know it
R: you can't tell me how I feel towards a person
??: no one likes you everyone hates you. He's just going out you because his brother made him
A dark shadow comes out of no where and start punching  and kicking, hitting  me from the inside and out.
(Dream goes on and the shadow abuses her more )
I woke up screaming, I thought no one could hear it. Then Lucas came running into my room.
R: I'm ok it was only a nightmare.
L: it's ok I get them too
Lucas was about to leave when I asked
R: Lucas will you stay with me
L: yeah,always
Lucas got on my bed and I buried my head in his chest and I fell asleep like that, I don't know why but I feel like it's normal and we've done this before but I've never fell asleep on him before.

I woke up to Lucas staring at me.
L: morning beautiful
R: morning
L:I made you pancakes
And I've got a whole day planned.
R:thanks, how did you know that pancakes are my favourite breakfast food.
L: lucky guess.
I finessed my pancakes then rushed into averys room.
A: why are you so cheery this morning
R: no reason
A: really, kacey
K: yeah
A:Riley's happy spill it.
K: Riley had a nightmare last night, and screamed the house down. Lucas was awake thinking about their date then heard Riley scream so he ran into their room. Riley explained to Lucas that it was only a nightmare and asked him to stay then he said always. Riley then fell asleep on Lucas's chest and they stayed like that till early in the morning, when Lucas went into the kitchen to make a smoothie wait no,pancakes. Lucas then explained to Riley that he has a hole day of dates planned. Riley am I right.
R: yes and how did you do that.
K: I'm going to be a observer of humanity and Lucas told me in the kitchen this morning.
R: I need help on an outfit
A: the only thing open this early is demolition.
Let's go
( at delimitation)
A: you'll look good in any thing
That's the one
R: I don't know what I'd look like if you weren't so good with clothes.
K:let's get this dress and get out of here
( at home )
L: Riley were going to go in 30 minutes
I put the dress on with the short sleeved jean jacket ( picture above), I did a natural makeup look, with a winged eyeliner and sat in averys room more nervous then before

Lucas's PoV:
L: Josh I'm freaking out man
J: be quiet Riley will hear you
N: she's gone to demolition with kacey and avery, this wouldn't of happened if you just asked her out
L: says the guy who hasn't even kissed his girlfriend and it been two months man up.
J: it'll just be you and Riley you were ok yesterday.
L: yeah because yesterday I never kissed her.
J: you was alright this morning when you weren't here. Oh where were you again. Oh that's right with Riley! Dude. Calm down.
L: I've only ever been on dates with girls who I don't like this ones different I really really like Riley.

(Present time, Avery's room)
Riley's PoV:
R: what if he is like my ex boyfriend and tells me to stop breathing or to go and die.
K: Riley Lucas has done stupid things but if he says that I will jack him up.
I was about to say something when Nathan walked in and kissed avery. Then he just walked out and said
N: Lucas you happy now
L: yeah pretty much
Riley come on let's go
R: ok let me just get my phone I'll see you downstairs
Avery and kacey said that their going to be down their taking a picture of his reaction to the dress. We're going to use the one from the meal and today for kacey to observe.
As I walked down the stairs Lucas reaction was the same as last night. He looks so cute in his jeans and shirt.
L: ready
R: yeah
He got my hand and we walked out of the door. We drove for a while until we got to a deserted garden.
L: close your eyes
R: ok
He put his hands over my eyes
And we walked
L: you ready
R: yeah
He took his hands of my eyes and then I saw fairy lights dangling from the trees. A picnic basket on a blue checkered blanket, and then a projector playing my favourite movie (the hunger games. )
R: Lucas,no one has ever put this much effort into a date before, thanks.
I give him a hug it lasted for a good five minutes.
We laid down my head berried into his chest, watching the best movie ever. I loved it.

Josh's PoV: ( text from Lucas)
Hey remember what I told you about the balloons.
I reply yes

I ask everyone's help for the balloons.
Lucas had written on some cards which we had to put in the balloons and then blow them up and put numbers on them. Then wrote on an big piece of paper 100 reason why I love you.
A: why don't you ever do things like this to me?
N: there's not that many balloons in the world to say how much I love you

My Summer with the Friars: rucas  EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now