I still love you

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Riley's POV:
Maya decided to drive because she was concerned with my anxiety, I told her I could still drive but she still declined. I looked out of the window thinking of the Taylor swift song say you'll remember me. It reminded me to think of the happy times Lucas and I spent together. It was like I needed him to keep me alive, he was the one reason I woke up in the morning. We got out of the car and the car next to us looked so familiar. I was still wearing the necklace what Lucas got me I know that I'm never going to take it of. Maya and I walk into target and get a cart we instantly go to the home section because that's where we always go first when we go to target. I was looking at something and I went out to grab it when someone else went to grab it as well. I looked to see who it was then I saw those green eyes that I haven't seen in two hours. I ran to try and find Maya. I found her in Starbucks I ran to her and broken down. I cried and  cried and cried  no one could stop me
Maya: Riley, what's up?
Riley: L u ccc as
I said still crying. She ran of and didn't come back until 5 minutes later. But she brought someone with her..
Lucas: princess it's okay I'm here
I realised something I couldn't stay away from him any more.
Riley: I don't think we should be friends Lucas. I want to act like we don't even know each other...
He left after that not saying a word. Maya and I bought the things in our cart and left. Maya went to her house after that and I decided to call and old friend. Mr blade. I cut myself for each time I got hurt today
1.letting Lucas go
2.crying in target
3. Saying we should just be friends
And one more for bad luck.
I sat in my bed and my mom and I chatted for a while about things and I seceded to go to sleep. I was I'm my bed twiddling my infinity necklace test Lucas gave me.
Riley: your going to be my Lucas. I know your just a necklace but I need to talk to him and this is a part of him.
Dear Lucas, I'm so sorry i broke your promise. I told you I can't keep promises. I miss you a lot actually. I was stupid to let you go. But I guess if we are really meant to be then fate will let us somehow find each other. I've picked my courses for collage: history, photography, drama and English. Maya found out about my anxiety and she took it well. I haven't eaten all day, I really miss eating your picnics and mac and cheese. I guess what I'm trying to say is I still love you and I always will. Because all I want to be all I ever want to be is somebody to you....

My Summer with the Friars: rucas  EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now