chapter 8

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Hey guys, three chapters published in a week yaaaaaay anyway this is important we have created a new character (yay) her name is Carla as you can see below. We just wanted to tell you as it probably wouldn't make sense if you didn't read this. Alllllsoooo we decided to have another box that is in the maze which is the one Carla comes up in. Lastly we have been meaning to mention this but all rights go to James Dashner for writing the maze runner books without him this story wouldn't have been possible and well... yeah. 

- MRL21 xx

Carla's P.O.V

I wake up. I'm in a large metal cage, it's like an elevator going up and up, higher and higher. I don't know where I'm going, I don't know where I've come from. I lean against a box to have support. My heart races as I rack my brain but the longer I did the more scared I got. I could remember how to speak, how to write, how to ride a bike; I know how to eat, sleep, breathe. But not who taught me to. Not the person keeping the bike steady or handing me the food. I only know people with no faces, places with no names, a planet with nothing I ever might have known or loved. All wiped from me as if I was blind. I want to get out; I want to go home. No, not home.

A home is a place you could walk around with your eyes closed. Home is a place you look forward to go as you know it has a nice, warm bed waiting for you. I don't have a home. I can't look forward to something I don't know even exists. I can't walk around it with my eyes closed because I wouldn't know where I was. I don't have a home well at least not any more. I now belong nowhere, with no one. I was all alone, by myself, lonely. I have been sitting, back against a box, for about 15 minutes.

I let my eyes shoot open even though there is nothing to see. There is a box. A box holds something. I scramble onto all fours and feel around the box for a way to get in. As I was doing so I made a promise to myself that from now on I would always expect the worst so that I would never lose anything. What a sad way to live, I thought to myself as I felt my hand fall through a slight gap in the box.

The cage elevator thing halted to a stop which made the metal grate like flooring dig into my legs even more. I stood up and let my curiosity take over as I began to search the cage for a way out. I felt two rusty handles on the roof and pulled on them and groaned as they didn't budge. I rolled my eyes before pushing them open and letting the light flood in. After about 10 minutes of my eyes adjusting to the bright light I began to climb out of the box elevator and found myself in a giant maze with tall, wide stone walls covered in dark green ivy. I felt some kind of sense of harmony other than the fact that I was alone in a maze with my memory wiped and the sun almost down. I walked for a bit longer just letting my legs choose where to go until I found an opening. I peered in and saw people, My heart leapt just thinking about not being alone. As I was about to call out I began to hear crunching and grinding noises I turned around and looked for an explanation and when I turned back around there was a centimeter gap getting smaller and smaller. I stared at the closed door and placed my forehead on the cold stone and sighed and that's when I smelt it, oil burning and cooked blood I scrunched my nose up and turned around to face a boy he looked around fifteen.

"I know who your are" he said obviously trying to hide his anger he grinned before licking his cracked, bleeding lips and stepping towards me. I took a large step back "you were sent here to kill my friends" his voice cracking I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. He took another large step towards me, as I stepped back. "you know what?" he asked as my back hit the wall. He was now face to face with me he spat a mixture of dirt, blood and saliva onto my shoes "I'm not gonna let that happen" He smiled before grabbing my neck I screamed. I began drifting away maybe that is good as I wouldn't have to feel any more pain and confusion

Suddenly whirring, clicking noises sounded the boy's face went a pale white as his eyes widened let go of me and ran. I chuckled but it never occured to me that a strange, bulbous, slimy creature had appeared in front of me and that was my cue to bolt. I ran as fast as I could which was surprisingly quite fast once again I was just trusting my legs to go wherever was away from that creature that was hot on my heels.

The cage elevator was a few inches away I jumped in and closed the doors the monster stared down at me it looked frustrated as it let out a horrible screech that sent goosebumps to every inch of my body.

After five minutes the hideous creature stalked away into the eerie darkness bringing it's scent of burning oil with it.

It had now become obvious, I had to survive the night in the maze.

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