chapter 5

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Amber's P.O.V.

"What was that all about?" I asked Minho when the meeting, gathering I think they called it, where it was decided that Emily and I were different. Well, we are a different gender than the rest of them. And we did come up together. Everyone else came up in the box alone, except the ones who were unfortunate enough to come first. Actually it was decided we were different from the second Minho decided to state the obvious for the entire Glade to hear. But this just made it even worse.

"I don't know I just saw it when I was looking at you one day when you were working and I had just got back and the collar of your shirt came down a little" he said scratching the back of his neck. He sat down and slouched against a tree and patted a spot next to him. I sat down and realised something he had said that made my heart jump a little.

"So you like to watch me when I work do you?" I say with a smirk, only half joking. He tilted his head to look at me and saw my smirk. He let a smile creep slowly to his lips.

"I always watch you, your Majesty" he says with a slight smile. He called me a nickname he had called me on the very first day I had arrived, originally to make fun of my british accent.

"You know I don't know if that's cute or creepy" I say to him. He leans forward so I will be able to hear him if he whispers.

"Depends how you feel about the one who said it" he whispers in my ear.

"Cute then" I say as he leans back against the tree.

"Umm..." I hear from behind me. It's Thomas and Chuck. They were probably the poor lads sent to find us to make sure we weren't dead. "I'm sorry but... well if I'm interrupting I can... come back later" he said as he started to turn away.

"Well you already ruined the moment now slinthead so just spit it out" Minho yelled at him. I couldn't help but feel the blood rush to my cheeks as I heard Chuck giggle. Now the entire Glade will know there was a moment. Duck tape will not keep that kid's mouth shut. I looked up at Thomas his face had turned red as well.

"Jeff told me to find you because they need you to help out with Ben." Thomas said to me. I feel myself go pale at the thought of what is going through the poor boy's head.

"Can't she go another time" Minho was hesitant.

"No I probably should go" I said slowly regretting what I said as I began to get up. Minho's large hand grabbed my arm, he looked up at me with desperate eyes. His handsome eyes, brown eyes. No matter what he says to me, or anyone else for that matter, those eyes were always kind. I looked at Thomas and sighed.

"I'll be there in a minute, okay. Can you let us talk for a bit?" I ask the boys.

"Sure" they said in unison. I wait for them to turn away and wait out of earshot. But no. They just decide to stand and stare at us like the shanks they are. I sighed and turned to Minho.

"She means in private you shuck-faced slintheads" Minho said with a roll of his eyes. "Her Majesty doesn't like waiting for her slaves to follow orders, do you?" Minho added the last part for a laugh. I smile at him and motion for him to move over as I sat down next to him. Thomas scratched the back of his neck in discomfort as he grabbed Chuck by the arm and pulled him off to the end of the forest. I turned my head at looked at Minho. We sit in silence for the next few moments until he couldn't stand the silence anymore.

"What is it?" he asked.

"Well the thing is I don't know how old I am or what I look like, would you care to tell me?" I asked him. It's a question I had wanted to ask from the beginning but I never really had the time.

"Well lets see" he said with a smirk and a wink. "You're probably about 16-17. You've got light brown hair and sky blue eyes. Your skin is pale and you have a few freckles. You are the most ugliest shank I've ever seen." he said as a smirk played on his lips I elbowed him "hey! I was kidding You're very beautiful" he chuckled as he put his hands up in surrender. He studied my face his eyes flicker from one of features to another before he added. "Also, from what I can tell, you go red really easily. In fact you're doing it right now". I knew he was right by the fact that I could feel my face warming up.

I looked at Minho and thought about what he had told me. I let my eyes wander back to Thomas and Chuck and laugh. Minho, who seemed to still have been studying my features, was taken aback by the sudden action.

"You know if you ever get jealous of any of the other boys you could always give them the big, bad boyfriend talk" I say to him as an explanation of the small private humour. To my surprise he actually seemed proud. It was only when he let a smirk twitch onto his lips did I realise what I had just said. I had just called Minho, the leader of the Runners, my boyfriend. "I mean... you know... like big brother talk... I mean it was a joke" I said, knowing that I was turning redder every second. His smile only grew wider.

"So is that what I am then," he said as he shuffled closer so that the gap between our body's was only inches, "Your big bad boyfriend".

"Would you be glad if you were" I ask him, half serious and half to hide how nervous I am. He had started to lean in so that I could feel his warm breath on my face. He smelled like an odd mixture of sweat, dirt and grass. He was moving into kiss me and no matter how much reason I put behind it I couldn't pull away. I want him to do it so bad even though I know better than that.

"No" he whispered as he moved towards me-

"Hey guys, you done yet" yelled an annoyed Chuck from between the trees. He was obviously watching us between the trees.

"We can talk later" I said as a frown made it's way to my lips.

"Well not just talk right" he said to me. I raised an eyebrow "just talk" I nodded I slipped out of his grasp before walking up to Thomas, I saw the deathly glare Minho had sent him and I wondered what would have happened if I had stayed longer.

As I climb the stairs to the room which held Ben I realise it was very quiet. He probably went to sleep, I thought to myself. As I opened the door and stepped inside I walked quietly towards him. I stopped dead. Ben was gone. I rushed towards the door and stood on the balcony looking over the Glade. The boys were acting like they usually would. I sighed as I realised he was probably just told to go back to work by his Keeper, Gally. I start to walk away until I hear a scream from far off. It was Thomas. He had found Ben. Or Ben had found him.

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