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By the time morning came, my eyes were puffy and my face red and tear stained. As soon as I'd reached the bleachers, I'd thrown away all remnants of the 'boys don't cry' logic and let my tears come as they pleased.

I couldn't get my mother's words to leave my head all night no matter how hard I tried, and before I knew it the sun was up again and I'd repeated every single word of her speech at least a couple dozen times.

Not long after the sun peaked and the bleachers were lit by a dim early sunrise, My hiding place was invaded and I was no longer alone.

"Hey." I spun around cautiously to find Gerard leaned against the post opposite of me.

"How long have you been here?" I hid behind my hair, hoping he wouldn't notice the remains of what'd happened last night.

"Long enough to know that you've been here all night, you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to."

"Thanks." I mumbled at the ground.

"You look like you could use some company today, wanna skip out on classes and get some coffee?"

"Count me in." I smiled for the time since last night.

He said not a word, instead simply smiling back and linking his arm with my own.

We walked in comfortable silence to his car, arms still linked together. As we approached the red van I swung open the door and slid into the leather seats, noticing that my clothes were still wadded up on the floor. I glanced down at my chest and realized that I was still dressed in Gerard's clothes.

"You know, you don't have to hang out under the bleachers everyday." Gerard broke the silence that lingered between the two of us.


"You don't have to hide under the bleachers anymore, because you can be with me instead. I have a few free periods, I could come see you. I mean— only if you want.

"Promise?" I stuck out my pinky and extended my hand toward him, the act ever so innocent and child like.

"Promise." He mimicked my motion and linked our fingers together.

He dropped his hand to his side, our pinkies still linked as if we were holding on to a piece of our childhood.

The bell on the door jingled as we entered, and I noticed that the girl who was stationed at the counter last night was replaced by a boy. Gerard led me to the same table in the corner that we'd sat at last night.

Instead of sitting across from him as I had last night, I was sat next to him leaving the booth seat before us empty. I wanted to shift closer to him, or link hands again, There was something so safe about his presence.

My eyes fluttered shut as took in a deep breath followed by a defeated sigh, Gerard stole a glance at me and his face wrinkled up in worry.

"It was your mom, that's why you were at the bleachers. Wasn't it?" He guessed, turning to face me completely.

"Mostly, yeah."

"It gets better, trust me." He reached out gingerly and stroked my hair ever so gently.

He seemed pick up that I didn't really like to talk about what happened at home or school, so he simply left it at that. The conversation soon started rolling after a short silence, and we had picked right back up where we left off last night.

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