Chapter two (edited)

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Coz she is sexy and she knows it. and i would like to thank her as she help me and lina by editing the chapters . if anyone needs an editor she is your girl. <3

Chapter 2


My mouth was covered with chocolate ice- cream, and I didn’t care to be honest. I loved the feeling of ice cream all over my face.

Until I heard a sexy voice. A voice I knew right away when, as soon as I heard it. The voice of the person I have been in love with over 2 years. The voice of the most hottest guy in school. The voice was of Evan Thomson.

He smiled at us. Gosh that boy has a sexy smile.

"Hey Sofia," He said.

"And you too Lisa." He said smiling.


Lisa P.O.V

“Hey...” Sofia said in a bored tone.

“H-h...hey E–Ev...Evan” I said looking at his hot features: his beautiful brown eyes and his messed up dark brown hair that was falling by now covering his forehead and eyebrows. He gave me his sexy smile and by then I was sure I was drooling.

“Lisa I guess the chocolate ice- cream loves you more than you love it… because it’s all over you.” He winked and went back looking at Sofia who didn’t even give him a glance. I swear I could have melted right on that spot. Even his wink is hot. God you made one sexy person...

“So Sofia we are having a party at Josh‘s house. I hope you and Lisa can make it.”

Josh is my best friend aside from Sofia and I treat him like my own brother! We practically know everything about each other since our moms were high school friends and our dads were collage buddies. I knew him sense I was born. So you can say we’ve been together a lot and we know each other well.

“Of Corse we will be there. He is Lisa's best friend after all.” Sofia mumbled.

“GOOD! I see yah there.” He said excitedly and walked away.

I know it hurts to see he wants Sofia and not me, but Sofia knows my feelings so she’ll never make a move on him. She said she has no feelings for him and as a best friend I know she is lying… He is EVAN THOMSAN for God’s sake.

I should stop my feelings for him. I can never have him. He‘ll never accept me either. Why, why do I still have feelings for this boy...?

I went back home. Dumped everything Sofia bought for me in my closet and was getting ready for the party. This was gonna be tough. As always. Finding something for me to wear for a party has been a big headache. I put on a white fluffy dress that didn’t show anything except my legs, it was too baggy to show any features. 

 I put on some makeup and while I was heading out of my room I heard Sofia screaming from outside, "lisssaaa come on we are late!" I pushed myself into her car and sighed, "Hope everything goes fine."


“Lisa. Sofia. I am so happy you could make it.” Josh said while hugging us.

He gave me a kiss in the cheek and told me, “Lisa don’t get so drunk. Don’t forget last time.” With that he walked away.

Ahh, last time was kind of a disaster. I drank too much and fell asleep on the floor. There was over five people who had to carry me back home.

There was loud music, people making out in the corner , and many drunk crazy chicks walking like zombies

Till Evan came I felt like I couldn’t hear any of the music. It was just like him and me only in the......a girl can dream!

He smiled at me, “Lisa, the chocolate ice-cream isn’t all over you anymore?”

Shit that was embarrassing...

“Nope I think it found a prettier chick to fall for...”

Evan nodded and said, “You are pretty. Why did it have to have a prettier one?”


“See you around Lisa.”  He gave me a kiss on my cheek and walked away.

I kept touching my cheek after that. His lips looked so perfect on it…I mean Josh kisses me all the time but this felt different. It felt amazing …does he want me now…?No he does not you dumb ass! He just knows you have a crush on him and just to make you happy, for a second, he kissed you. Stop pretending like he has feelings for you! My inner voice screamed.

Dirty dancer by Enrique Iglesias started playing and everyone went wild on the floor I love this song so I sang along:

“She don’t want love she just wanna touch.

She’s a greedy girl to never get enough.

She don’t wanna love, she just wanna touch.

Got all the moves that make you get it up.”

Sofia joined me and we sang the chorus together.

“She’s a dirty, dirty dancer dirty, dirty dancer.

Never ever lonely.

She’s a dirty, dirty dancer, dirty, dirty dancer.

You’ll never be her only.”

Sofia and I danced like hell. It felt so right losing myself for a while.  I looked at my watch to see its 3 o’clock already.

3 o’clock in Josh’s party means drinking contests.

Everyone gathered around for the contest.

“Lisa go find Evan tell him it’s time for him to lose.” Josh said with a smirk. He knows very well how I am crazy about Evan, So he acts as if he  runs my love life.”

“Okay” Is all I said and went to find him.

I searched everywhere and I finally stood near the last door in the house.

I heard a girl screaming Evan name. I knew what exactly was happening in there but I was curious who the girl was this time?

I opened the door slowly to see a blond girl with blue eyes.

Wait! I know those eyes. Those eyes that look at me like I am nothing but a big fat chicken, for years. Those eyes belonged to the bitch I hate. Those eyes were Mariana. MARIANA WILSON.

Screw that bitch. Somehow she got every guy with her bitchiness. She was a fake all over: fake nails, fake boobs that looked just like balls bursting out of nowhere, fake eye lashes, and fake hair color. She was fake in everything. It was like she was made in China.

And I hate her. Even Sofia hated her.

We were best friends since kinder garden, until we turned 13 and she felt she belonged to the popular group and changed everything about her. She left me too, saying I was too fat to be in any group. She started smoking and drinking with the guys.

She and I have been enemies since then. Sometimes I wish she could be the same old Mariana who screamed with me during scary movies and made cakes and went out for ice cream.

“L-Lisa what are you doing here?” Evan said as he was trying to get his breath back after the long make out he just had.

“This bitch is here too? Ugh! Get lost, your disturbing my life.”  Mariana said in an angry tone.

“I…I…” I ran out of there as tears started pouring out.

I was in a safe corner now. I know I couldn’t have Evan ever…


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