Not Again

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“Flight 4563 to Italy is now boarding flight 4563 to Italy is now boarding .” a women said

“Call us once you land” my mother said and kissed my cheek and hugged me

“I will mom” I said squeezing her

“Love you kiddo” my father said

“See you soon” I hugged both of them and walked onto the plain

“Are you ready” Amanda almost squealed

For are Senior trip our school pulled some strings and got us a trip to Italy, After the longest flight of my life we walked into are hotel and are teacher passed out are room keys. I was sharing a room with my best friend Amanda. After walking around Italy it was getting dark and time for dinner, after we ate Amanda said to get dressed because we were heading out to a club. I got dressed in a black dress that went up to mid thigh and was strapless with black spike heels. When we got to the club we ordered drinks and danced on the dance floor. I felt hand slip to my waist and saw a boy with pail white skin and red eyes, awesome contacts; in other word he was sort of beautiful.

“What’s your name?” he asked

“Amelia, yours”

“Alec” he said moving with the beat of the music “Would you like to go outside for some air?” he asked

“Sure” I said following him outside, when we got to the alley way he pushed me up against the wall and started to kiss me. “Let’s go t my room” I whispered. We walked to my hotel and up to my room. I pulled out my key and opened the door, Alec pushed me onto my bed and got on top of me and kissed me.

Emmett’s POV

It has been 3 months since Rose was killed by nomad vampires. I have been sulking around the house so I have decided to leave for a little while. I walked into the living room where my family stood looking at me.

“You know how much I love you all but I just need to leave, everywhere I look I see Rose, I just need to get away for a little but I will be back.” I said

Esme walked over to me and pulled me into a motherly hug. Carlisle walked up to me and handed me an envelope “Everything you need is in here” he said and 

I walked over to Jasper and he gave me a brotherly hug. Alice gave me a tight hug.

“Alice if you could do me a favor and move all of Rose’s things out of my room, I would be grateful” I said. “Of course” she said I gave Bella a hug and fallowed by Edward. I picked up Renesmee and gave her a hug and a kiss “Come back soon Uncle Emmett” she said to me. I swung my bag over my shoulder and walked out of the house.

I checked into my hotel in the morning, when I walked passed a room I could smell blood. I took an all access key card from the cleaning lady’s cart. When I opened the door, I saw a girl lying dead on her bed covered in blood. In the next bed was a girl sound asleep. I put the do not disturb sign on the door then shut it. I walked over to the sleeping girl she was beautiful, stunning for a human. I shook her shoulder. She blinked her eyes open, looking up at me with amazing blue eyes.

“Who are you?” she asked

“Emmett” I said to her “Look don’t be afraid but you friend was just killed-“

“Amanda!” she cried and slowly walked over to her dead friend.

I called Carlisle and he said to leave her friend and bring her home. I packed her things and back with me. When we go in the plane she didn’t look at me or saw a word to me. When we go off the plane she followed me to a car and sat in the back. After a two hour drive to the house I go out of the car and opened her door. “Want to come in or are you just going to sit in the car?” I asked

She unbuckled her seat belt but then bolted out the car and puked off to the side and then passed out.

“Oh for the love of god” I said out loud. I picked her up and brought her inside and laid her on the couch.

“What happened?” Eseme

“When I got to my hotel I checked in, when I walked passed her room I smelled blood and a lot of it. I walked in and her friend was covered in blood dead, I also go a whiff of other vampire, and familiar but I can’t think of who it is.” I said explaining

“We will asked her questions when she wakes up” Jasper said

Amelia’s POV

I woke up to eight beautiful people looking at me. “What do you want from me, if its money then you are out of luck because I don’t have any” I said

“No dear we don’t want money, but we need you to answer some questions first” a blond man said


“What happened last night that you remember” asked a woman

“Um well I went to a club with my best friend Amanda then a guy walked up to me danced with me then I brought him to my room and for lack of another word hooked up, the next thing I remember was being woken up my Emmett and seeing my best friend dead.” I said

“What was the guy’s name?” Emmett asked

“Um Alec” I said and then my stomach did a three sixty, I got up and ran to the kitchen and puked in the sink.

“Oh know not again” I hear a girl said

“What is going on?” I asked

“Listen what we are going to tell you, it is going to be hard to believe but try and have an open mind. We all of us are vampires, excepted for this one” he said putting his hand on a little girls shoulders. “She is half human, the guy you “hooked up” with is also a vampire he killed your friend for blood and…you are also…pregnant with a half vampire half human baby” the man said 

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