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I sat up in bed rubbing my eyes and stretching. Emmett walked over to me; I wrapped my arms around his waist and leaned my head on his stomach.

“Ready to go?” he asked

“No, so tired” I mumbled

“You can sleep in the car and I’ll carry you too the car.” he said picking me up. We walked down ho the living room and said goodbye to everyone and then he carried me out the car. I looked out the window and then  I fell back to sleep. When I woke up again I was being carried into a house…my house. My eyes started to sting from tears creeping into my eyes.

“Hey baby how did you sleep?” Emmett asked.

“Good” I said quietly. He put me down and I unlocked my door. When I walked in everything look the same from the last time I saw it, I was home. I walked up he stares to my room, it was left they way I did when I left for Italy except for my bed… my mother must have made it for me.

Emmett walked into my room. “Amelia I was thinking, if you are okay with it that we could buy the house keep it the way it is.”

“Do you think Carlisle would be okay with that, I don’t want to be a burden?”

“Amelia you are never a burden, don’t ever think that again.”

“Okay” I said quietly

“And plus we already bought the house.” He said

That is all it took I burst into tears. “Thank you so much” I said wrapping my arms around his torso.  He lifted my chin so he could look at me, he wiped the tears away and then leaned in and gave me a long lingering kiss.

“So this is your room?”

“Yup, it’s good to be back, I’ve missed my room.”

The next morning we the grave year and buried my parents no one really showed up only business people from my father’s company. No one I knew cam because my only best friend is dead and her parents didn’t like me or my parents, so they didn’t come and my parents are both only child and my grandparents are passed. So I didn’t know anyone. When they lowered the casket that’s when I lose it I start to cry and I hold on to Emmett’s hand for dear life. We drive back to the house, when we get there I walk to my parent’s room. I stand in the door way and look around and start to cry. I walk up to the bed and lie down and put my head on my mom’s pillow, the room smells like my mom’s perfume. I fall back to sleep and I dream about a Christmas when I was a child, I’m woken up by the TV. I get up and put one of my dad’s sweaters that smell like him. I walk down the stars and see Emmett watching a baseball game. I sit down next to him; he puts his arm around me. I look up at him then give him a kiss.

“Did I wake you?”

“It’s okay, I think I’m going to take a shower then go back to bed.” I said kissing his cheek

“I’ll come with you” he said

“In the shower?” I asked

“As much as I want to, no because I will be tempted and I don’t want to hurt you” he said

I walk up the stars, take a shower and let the warm water run down my body. I get my towel and walk into my room. I see a shirtless Emmett lying down on my bed. I put my dad’s sweater on and a pair of panties, I climb into my bed and feel Emmett’s arm around me and then I’m asleep.


I get up and walk to the bathroom, when I look in the mirror I see that I have gotten bigger, if I was having a human baby I would look like I’m 8 months. I drop my hair brush and I bend down to pick it up and then a sharp pain shoots threw me ribs. I yelp in pain, Emmett is at my side within seconds and he is walking me to my bed.

“Are you okay?” he asked

“I think I broke my rib.”

“Okay we need to get you home so Carlisle can check you out.”

“Okay can we bring some stuff with us?”


Emmett’s helped me pack some stuff and then carries me to the car. I sleep on and off and then we get back home. We get into the house and Carlisle tells me I have a broken rib and that I’m due very soon. I get off the bed and sit on the couch in the living room.

“When Bella was pregnant I could hear Renesmee.” Edward said sitting next to me

“Would you be able to hear what the baby is thinking?”

“Yeah sure” He said, Emmett walked into the room and sat on the other side of me. Edward put his hands on my belly. “The baby is happy, and loves you very much.” Edward said

“What does the baby say about me?” Emmett asked

“The baby loves you too.” Edward said

Emmett got in his knees and then kissed my belly “I love you too” he said and kissed my belly. “Amelia”


“I love you too” he said and then kissed me

“I love you” I said and kissed him back.

A Thousand Years (Emmett Cullen Story)Where stories live. Discover now