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Emmett's POV

I walked out onto the deck and wrapped my arms around her. "Babe we should go and see what they want." I said

"But what if they take my children away from me" she asked

"First off they are our children and second they will not be taken if I have anything to say about it." I said to her, she wrapped her arm around my waist and I put my arm around her shoulder.

"So where do the Volturi live?" she asked

"They are in Italy"

"Okay... you are right because if we don't go it will just get worse" she said

"Okay, Carlisle will set everything up and we all can be ready to go"

"No I think the family should stay here, the family has already done so much for me I can't ask then to do this too"

The glass door opened "We are all in, you are family and we do what we can or must do for family" Esme said "We leave tomorrow night" she said and walked back into the house.

"Now we need to practice on your power"

"Power?" she asked.


Amelia's POV

"Come on babe you have to concentrate." Emmett said

"I am" I snapped

"Okay remember how you felt when you thought our babies would be taken, take that emotion and use it" he said

I channeled the energy and moved the rocks in front of me and other things,

"Okay I want you to move me" Emmett said

I concentrated and it took me a little but I finally got him to levitate, I moved him to me and I gave him a kiss "I love you" I whispered. And he kissed me back.

I packed my bags and I also packed some bags for the twins, we loaded up the car and got in. "Wait" someone said, I looked up and saw Paul.

"You are not going without me" he said and got into the car after a long trip we arrived at a hotel. I stood in front of the hotel that my best friend was murdered in. I was holding Xander in my arms, I stood there frozen.

"Baby come on" Emmett said

I shook my head "No I can't, not this hotel" I said "This is where you found me this is where Amanda was murdered."

"Okay we will pick another hotel" Esme said

We walked into another hotel and put our things away, I set up the twins and we then waited to be summoned, around 8:00 there was a knock at the door Emmett opened it and Carlisle was standing there.

"Time to go" he said I picked up Xander and Emmett picked up Rose and then we left to meet the Volturi.   

We walked into a huge old building, and we all walked onto the elevator. I started to shake and Emmett put his arm around me, telling me it will be okay. When the elevator stopped, we walked out and in front three men, a blond women and then Alec.

"You must be Amelia" one said

"Yes" I whispered

"And these are you children?"

"Yes" I said again

"And who is the father?" the creepy man asked

I looked over at Carlisle and he nodded his head. I handed Xander to Bella and Looked at Alec and the back at the man.

"Alec is the father"

"What?"  the man said

"Yes Alec is the father"

"Is this true?" asked the leader

Alec looked at him and back at me and back at the man

"Yes Aro it is"

"Then that's that they belong to us."

"The hell they do"  I used my power and lifted Alec up and tossed him out the window. 

"Anyone else?" I yelled Jane used her power and the pain stared and then stopped, Bella used her shield.  A big strong guy came running at me (Felix) I lifted him and slammed him to the ground. I repeated that until he didn't get up again. Jane ran at me I lifted her are well.

"Aro" I called "If you let us go and leave my children, and the Cullen clan and anyone who is a part of the clan go... I will not kill you all"

"As if you could actually do that" Aro said

"Aro I've seen it let us all go" Alice said

"I still don't believe you" he said

"You want Proof? Fine"

I lifted Felix up, with one hand I kept him flouting, with the other hand I used the energy and power to rip his head off, I levitated a torch and lit him on fire.

"Do I have your word that you will leave my family alone?"

He was silent for a second and the whispered a yes.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2015 ⏰

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