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Amelia’s POV

“So where do-“I cut my self off running to the bathroom and puking up my sandwich. I stumbled out of the bathroom and Emmett was standing there holding me up. “Like I was saying where am I going to sleep? Couch?”

“No you can crash in my room, I don’t sleep” He said I followed him into his room and he handed me one of his shirts.

“Can you turn while I change” I asked

“Sure” he turned around, and I changed.

“Nice Tattoo” he said

“You peeked!”

“No, now I know you have a tattoo” Emmett said with a laugh

I climbed into bed and covered myself with the blanket. “Goodnight” Emmett said

“Wait… stay with me till I fall asleep.” I said sitting up. He walked over to her and leaned down close that are lips where inches apart, I leaned in and closed the space between us. I got on my knees and wrapped my arms around his neck and his hands went to my waist. We pulled apart and He smiled down at me.

“Okay” he said and climbed into the bed “Goodnight” he said and I drifted off to sleep

I woke up the next morning and walked to the bathroom I did my business and then I looked in the mirror. “Oh my god” I almost yelled

“Baby what’s wrong” Emmett said running into the bathroom.

“Look at how big I am I’m not supposed to be this big yet.” I said freaking out

“That the thing when you are growing a vampire baby you grow faster than human babies.”

“I’m…I’m so big” I said running my hands over my stomach, I felt a little kick. I took Emmett’s hand and put it on my stomach.

“Wow, that is amazing” he said

“I know,” I said with a smile “Do you think the father would want anything to do with the baby?” I asked

“Don’t take this the wrong way but no he probably won’t.” Emmett said

“Oh, does he even know about the baby?”

“Probably not”

“Then how do you know he wouldn’t want anything to do with the baby?”

“He is a horrible person and I’m even surprising that he left you alive.” Emmett said “You shouldn't be having this baby anyway.”

“Really, well I’m sorry you feel that way.” I said walking out of the bathroom “Come on Rose you-“

He cut himself off and became wide eyed “Who’s Rose?”

“She…she” was all he said then he ran out of the room and out the front door. I walked down to the living room and saw Alice and Jasper “Good Morning Amelia, wow look at you, you got bigger” Alice said

“Thanks” I said smiling “Alice who’s Rose?”

When I asked her smile faded to a thin line “I think Renesemee should show you.” She said, I sat on the couch and the a little girl walked in and she put her hand on my cheek. I closed my eyes and saw a blond women smiling and Emmett standing behind her smiling then they shared a kiss.  Renesemmee pulled her hand away.

“She was Emmett’s girlfriend and a sister to all of us.” Alice said “She was killed by nomads passing through. Emmett has been so distraught sins then, but then he found you and I can see him becoming happy again.” She said

“I’m so sorry” I said giving her a hug

“There is another thing I need to tell you” Alice said

“What is it?” I asked

“I can see the future, and I can tell you what is going to happen based on decision.”

“Have you seen anything about me?”

“Yes, I’ve seen you not surviving the pregnancy, I’m sorry” She said

“I’m never going to see my baby, is there any way I will?”

“Yes but I don’t know if you are going to like it”

“What is it?” I asked

“You will have to change into one of us if you want to see your baby.” She said

“I…I’ll need some time to think about this.” I said

“I understand.” She said giving me a hug

Do I want to become a vampire just to see my baby or let the baby grow up not knowing its mother?

Emmett’s POV

I walked into the house and saw Amelia sitting on the couch staring at her hand. She looked up at me and smiled. She got up and gave me a hug.

“Amelia…be mine?” I whispered in her ear


“Emmett I need to talk to you” Alice said cutting off Amelia

“I’ll be right back” I said and gave her a kiss on the cheek

I walked into the kitchen with Alice. “The only way I see her alive is if we turn her. If we don’t she won’t live, it will be like Bella all over again.” Alice said

“I will not let her die and not see her child.”

“Okay but you have to make sure that is what she wants.” Alice said

“It is what I want, I will do anything for my child and if that means turning into a vampire than I will do it.” Amelia said walking into the kitchen.

“The volturi are going to have a field day.” Alice muttered under her breath then she walked out of the kitchen. I walked over to Amelia and wrapped my arms around her. “Be mine” I whispered. She looked up at me. “Yes Emmett” I leaned down and kissed her.

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