Make the Best Out of a Bad Situation

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I’m pregnant, we only has sex two days ago. “For vampires its different it doesn’t take as long as human.” A man with copper hair said

“Can I go for a walk, I really need to think” I asked

“Yes of course, first I’m Carlisle, and his is my wife Esme,” he said

“I’m Alice,” a pixy looking girl said “And this is my boyfriend Jasper Hale” she said and a blond boy put her arm around her.

“I’m Edward and this is my wife Bella and are daughter Renesemee”

“It’s nice to meet you all but id you’ll excuse me” I said getting up and walking to the door , once I was out of sight I took off in a run. I don’ know who long I ran for but after what felt like a long time, I stopped to catch my breath.  I sat down on a rock and just started to cry.

“Are you okay Amelia?” Emmett asked

“No Emmett I’m not” I snapped “Sorry I didn’t mean to snap but no I’m not, I’m just finishing my last year of high school, I lost my best friend and now I’m told I’m having a vampire/ human baby and I’m with people I don’t even know, how did you expect me to react.”

“I understand, you don’t have to have the baby there’re other options.” Emmett said

“No” I said “This might be a messed up situation I’m in but in the middle of this, there is a gift, I just have to make the best out of a bad situation.”

“Okay let’s go” Emmett said

“Where are we going?”

“Somewhere” he said and told me to get on his back. When I got on he started to run, we were going so fast, I held tighter to him and let out a little squeal. When I open my eyes we stood on top of a tree looking over the land.

“This is amazing” I said leaning against him.

“Yeah this is one of my favorite spots to be.” Emmett said

When Emmett brought me back to his house I sat on the couch with Carlisle. “What about my parents? Will I ever get to see them?”

“Yes but I just don’t know when.” Carlisle said “Are you sure you want to keep this baby?”

“Yes, why does everyone keep asking me that?”

“There are things that will happen during the pregnancy that is life threatening, if you keep this baby you might lose your life Amelia”

“But it is still my baby, promise me if I die please take care of him or her” Carlisle took hold of my hand.

“I promise” he said

“Thank you” I said pulling him into a hug.

Emmett’s POV

Alice walked into my room and sat on my bed. “What’s up Alice?”

“She will survive” When Alice said that it took all of what I had not to jump up and down in happiness.

“That’s good” I smiled back down at my book   

“I know you like her, I see the way look at her” Alice said with a smile

I got up and walked to the door “I might like her a little” I smiled then walked into to the kitchen and made a sandwich for Amelia. I walked to the living room and handed her to sandwich and sat down next to her.

“Thank you” she smiled at me. That smile sent a shiver down my spine.  

“Would you like to watch some TV?” I asked

“Sure” she smiled. I turned on the TV and the football game was on, I changed it to another channel.

“Wait!” she yelled

“What” I said back

“Give me the clicker the game is on.” She said climbing over me to grab the remote.

“Okay okay babe I’ll change it” I said and turned on the game. I looked over at her and she was blushing. Jasper and Edward joined us to watch the game. During the game Amelia would sometimes shout at the ref and say stuff under her breath about the game, I thought it was cute. “I like a girl who can watch football and understands it” I whispered and I saw her blush again. 

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