Finding Out

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Emmett’s POV

Amelia and I were sitting on the couch when her phone buzzed; she looked at her caller ID and saw it was an unknown. She answered the phone with a hello.


“No…No that can’t be, I-I” she said

“Baby what’s wrong?”

“I understand, I’ll be there in two days, thank you for calling.” She said and hung up

 She started to cry. “What’s wrong baby”

“M-my parents were killed in a car accident.” She said

“Oh my god Amelia I’m so sorry.” I pulled her into a hug

“I have to go.” She said getting up

“I’m going with you; first we have to talk about this before you just get up and leave.” I said

Amelia’s POV

I walked over to Carlisle, “May I speak with you please.”

We walked into his study and closed the door. “I hate to ask you this but would I…can…can I please stay here with you and your family, I hate o ask since you have done so much for me already” I said about to cry.

“You are more than welcome to stay.” He said in a kind voice. I got up and gave him a hug.

“There is one more thing I have o tell you, my parents were just killed in an accident, I have to leave and take care of that.”

“Yes of course, bring Emmett with you; will you need money for the plain or a hotel?”

“No but thank you, we can stay at my house and I live about 4 hours away”

“Okay well be safe and we will see you soon” Carlisle said and gave me a hug

I walked into my room and packed some cloths and some other stuff. I walked into Emmett’s room and saw him lying on his bed, eyes closed. I walked up o him and laid down next to him and he put his arm around me.

“Are you going to be okay?” Emmett asked

“Yes, I think so.” I said

“I will be with you every step of the way.” He kissed me cheek.

“Thank you” I gave him a kiss on the lips them fell asleep or at least try to fall asleep. I rolled over and saw it 2:03 in red. I sat up and decided to take a hot shower. And started to sing

Emmett’s POV

I walked into my room and I could hear a sweet little voice singing in the bathroom. “I have died everyday waiting for you, Darlin’ don’t be afraid I have loved you for a thousand years and I’ll love you for a thousand more.” She sang

She came out of the shower, wrapped in a towel. I sat on my bed, watching her. “That was beautiful what you sang”

“Thanks” she whispered. She walked over to me and gave me a small smile. I pulled her towards me and kissed her. He hands went to me hair, I licked her bottom lip and she let me in. desire took over me and I pulled her onto the bed and laid her down, I propped myself on my elbows and kept kissing her. I felt her soft hand reach under my shirts. I pulled back and jumped off the bed.

“I’m sorry…I…I can’t do that while you are still human, there is a risk of killing you and I can’t take that risk.” I said

“Okay I understand.” She said quietly and kind of sadly

“I want too but right now isn’t the right time.” I said “Here is one of my shirts, I turn around” I said

I felt tinny arms around my waist. I picked her up and laid her in the bed she fell right to sleep.

“She’s dreaming about what the baby will be like” Edward said from the door.

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