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I was carried down to Carlisle’s office and put on the medical bed. Emmett stood next to me; I took his hand and squeezed as hard as I could.

“Oh my god it hurts,” I said crying

“I know baby but you can do this.” Emmett said kissing my cheek. Paul burst threw the door “Did I miss anything?” he asked Emmett let out a little growl, I slapped his chest “Not yet” I smiled

“Amelia, I need to ask you something”

“What is it?” I grabbed Emmett and Paul’s hand and let out a scream”

“Amelia will you marry me?”

“You are asking me this now!” I yell at him

“I know I’m sorry, I was going to ask you but then your water broke and hell broke loose.”

“Yes Emmett I will.” He smiled as big as can be and kissed me.

Carlisle walked in, “okay are you ready Amelia?”

“Yes please get it out it hurts” I said crying

“Okay on the count of three push. 1. 2. 3.” I pushed and pushed until I heard a tiny cry.

“It’s a boy” Carlisle said and passed him to Emmett.

“A boy” I smiled and then I cried out in pain again.

“Oh Amelia there is another one,”

“Another one” Emmett said

“Push” I did as I was told and then another tiny cry. “It’s a girl” He said and showed me the twins.

“They are amazing and beautiful” I said “I love you both so much”

I gazed up at Emmett and then my eyes stared to glaze over. I closed my eyes then opened them again and two people stood in front of me.

“Oh my baby” My mother said

“Mom” I ran over to her and hugged her and cried “I have missed you so much.” I squeezed her

“Hey kiddo”

“Daddy” I squealed and ran into his arms

“Oh my love” he said smoothing down my hair

“Amelia you did such a good job your children are beautiful and they love you and Emmett very much.” My mother said.

Emmett’s POV

Amelia’s eyes glazed over “Amelia” I said “Amelia” I passed the baby to Paul and he left the room, “Emmett bite her now.” Carlisle said I leaned in and bit her neck, arms legs.

“Please baby, don’t leave me” I cried “I lost Rosalie I will not lose you too.” I cried

“Emmett all we can do now is wait, go see your children”

I go into the living room and saw Paul holding the girl and Esme holding the boy. Paul walked over to me and handed the baby to Bella. “I need to talk to you,” he said

We walked outside “I imprinted on your daughter, please don’t be made”

“If Amelia was here she would be so happy”

We walked back into the house, I took my children into my arms and held them close to me, I started to cry.

“She will be okay,” Edward said

“How do you know?”

“Because this is how it was like when Renesemee was born, she will live” he said

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