Chapter 2

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Liam’s POV

I had just got off the phone with my long lost auntie Lily. I had always wanted a auntie and she had said that she had a daughter around my age called Skylar.

I had come up with an idea to meet them both so I bought their train tickets to London as they lived in Manchester. I thought it would be good to give my mum and auntie Lily some bonding time together so I offered to get to know my new long lost cousin some more.

She was going to be staying with me and the guys for a while, but the thing is, I kind of haven’t told the guys about any of this. I hope they don’t mind, let’s go find out, well think about it. Surprises are much better :P

*The Next Day*

Skylar’s POV

I was getting off the train, suitcase pulling behind me and my mum to the left of me. I was so excited but really nervous at the same time.

Searching around the train station platform for Liam who said he would be here when we got off the train, then in the corner of my eye I saw him, waving for us to come over.

I literally ran up to him and hugged him a bit too tight I think but oh well. “Hey Liam, I’m so glad I’m finally meeting you!”

Liam’s POV

I was stood on the train platform waiting for Skylar and her mum Lily. Finally I saw them looking around, they much of been searching for me.

Once I got their attention, I waved for them to come over. The next thing I know, Skylar is running towards me and hugs me really tight.

While she is stuff hugging me she says “Hey Liam, I’m so glad I’m finally meeting you!” I couldn’t help but smile at what she had just said.

Once we had broke the hug I said something I never thought I would be able to say. “ Hi cuz, I’m really happy to be meeting you at last too! The plan is to drop your mum off with my mum, and then we shall go to my house. You’re kind of a surprise to the guys as they don’t know you’re here, let alone I have a cousin, but I’m sure they will love you!”

Her smiles then changed to a worried look on her face. “What if they hate me? What if they don’t want me there? I don’t want to be a hassle to you and the guys. Are you sure this is a good idea?”

She was nearly crying at the thought of the boys not accepting her.

“Skylar, Skylar, calm down, I’m sure the boys will love you, I already do and I’ve only known you a few minutes. The boys are very welcoming and caring, I’m sure they will treat you like a princess!”

Her worried look then faded back into her lovely smile as she calmed down.

The Love Triangle *Niall Horan Fan fiction*Where stories live. Discover now