Chapter 23

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Skylar's POV


I had just finished my music class, which was amazing! I'm so glad I have it 3 times a week!

It was now break, but as I was walking to get some food, I saw the 3 girls again. I tried to turn around without them noticing me, but I was too late.

By the time I had got to the bottom the of hall they were stood behind me. "Skylar, did you think you could get away from us that easy?" she started laughing in my face.

"What have I done to you?! I don't even know your names"

"Oh, you haven't found out our names yet? We are usually the first names new people know. Well I'm Sarah, this is Joe and this is Danni, you will hear our names a lot so remember them!" she was just about to walk off when she turned back around, look me in the eye and punched me in my stomach.

What have I done to deserve this, I don't even know them. It's not like I'm I would steal their men, I'm not pretty enough.

*End of flashback*

Liam was crying by now. "So this happened to you everyday?" he asked me.

"Well, yeah I guess. It got worse in year 10. My spots had cleared up, I started wearing make up, always had my hair down and had generally matured. Through the holiday's I went to a fat camp and lost about 3 stone. When I went back to school, I got more attention  from the guys, which meant more beating's from Sarah. Your lucky I'm still here."

"Sky, did you try and kill yourself?"  as he said this he looked at me with his big brown eyes.

"Well, ermm, yeah." I took off all my bracelets and shown him my wrists. There were bout 5 scars on both wrists. "I did this one night after I had gotten beaten up really bad by the 3 girls in school. I thought I had actually died, but I had only passed out and woke up in hospital. That was the last day I went back to school.

He grabbed my wrist and touched every scar. "How does your mum not know about this?"

"It was my mate Chloe who found me. My mum was on a business trip to America when it happened, she just never found out."

"I'm so sorry Sky, I didn't no about any of this and how strong you was to put up with it."

"I've never had a real boyfriend because of those girls, I really like Niall Liam. I only kissed Louis because I was upset with Niall. I know that's bad, but he was the one who came onto me."

Liam's POV

I was crying by the time she has finished telling me. I can't believe she went through that alone. I also can't believe she has never had a boyfriend because of those girls, and I'm here telling her she cant date Niall who she really likes."

"Sky, do you really like Niall?"

She nods at me not wanting to look me in the eyes. I walk out of her room when she shouts "Liam, where are you going! Don't tell anyone!" she's now running after me.

"I won't tell anyone Sky, you can trust me, I just need to do something. Just go back to your room please."

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