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We all jumped up as the doctor exited. “He is still in critical condition, but yes you can see him just one at a time the rest will have to stay outside. He’s in room 813.” With that said the doctor left. We now stood outside Axel’s hospital room. “Roxas you should go in first” Reno said with everyone nodding in agreement “W-what Reno you should your his brother” I said shocked. “So your his lover” Reno said making me blush “Trust Reno knowing Axel he would force Rude to see Reno first if Reno was hurt” Zexion said. “Sigh okay thank you guys” with that I headed inside prepared, but no matter how prepared I was I would never be prepared for the site I saw. Axel was laying on the white hospital bed looking pale and lifeless. He was covered in wires that were hooked up to machines that kept him alive. Tears fell down my face as I fell to my knees beside Axel my hand clutching his. I buried my head in the sheets beside Axel’s hand and cried.


A week passed. Axel still hadn’t woken up, but he was mostly healed expect his legs that were still broken but they were healing up nicely. Roxas has been a wreck going to see Axel every day from early morning til visiting hours were over. Luckily the school understood and sent Roxas all his work. They just said that when Axel comes to would be excused from the work. The little girls Kelsey, Britney, and Kaitlin were keep in the hospital so the doctors could check them for any injuries. It also turns out those girls were abandon by their parents that day. Though through out the city Axel was being called a hero for what he did.


It has been hard on me with the condition Axel is in. I can barely eat or drink, and I can’t even sleep peacefully at night cause I keep having nightmares of Axel dieing in our past life and now. I was now once again beside Axel holding his hand tight. “Axel you got to wake up. Everyone misses you. It just isn’t the same with out you. Please Axel wake up. I need you. I can’t live without you. I can’t sleep without nightmares. I can’t eat. I need you Axel. Please wake up. I love you Axel.” I said as I started to cry once again. Then I heard something besides my crying. “urg Ro-s” 0.0 my head snapped up towards Axel. To my happiness and surprise Axel eyes twitched and fluttered open. I jumped up excited. “Axel!!!” I quickly ran to the door yelling out for a doctor, and then running back beside Axel holding his hand once again.


Urg I could only feel pain though out my legs. I wanted to go back to the painless blackness but Roxas’s voice, his plea, stopped me from. “Axel you got to wake up. Everyone misses you. It just isn’t the same with out you. Please Axel wake up. I need you. I can’t live without you. I can’t sleep without nightmares. I can’t eat. I need you Axel. Please wake up. I love you Axel.” I fought, and was able to slowly open my eyes. “Roxas?” I said though I believe it came out different cause of my dry throat. “Water” I tried to say, but I think it came out more as a groan. I felt myself being sit up and a cold glass place on my lips. I open my lips, and cold soothing water slid down my dry cracked thought healing it up. “Axel can you hear me? Axel?” “Urg Roxas?” I asked my eyes still trying to get adjusted to the blinding light. As my eyes finally got focus I could finally see Roxas’s gorgeous face. Roxas’s eyes locked with mine tears forming in the corner of Roxas’s eyes. “AXEL YOUR FINALLY AWAKE!!!” Roxas yelled happily tears falling from his eyes as he threw himself on to me. “Hey Roxas. How long have I been out?” I asked though my words came out a bit horse. Roxas looked up at me from his place on my chest tears in the corner of his eyes and said “A little over a week” 0.0 I then noticed the dark circles under Roxas’s eyes, and how skinny he look. “Roxas…..” The doctor had left to call everyone. I saw the tray of hospital food to the right of me on a night stand. Grabbing it I handed it to Roxas. Roxas looked at me strange. “Axel?” “Eat” I said “0.0 What Axel you need to eat this” “No I don’t I can’t stomach anything for a few hours and you need to eat. Don‘t think I didn‘t notice you got thinner.” I said. Roxas looked away ashamed, but slowly ate the food. An hour or a little more all the food was gone, and everyone plowed into the room. When I say everyone I mean everyone like Reno, Rude, Cloud, Zack, Demyx, Zexion, Saix, Xemnas, Riku, Sora, Lex, Marly, Vexen, Luxlord, Xigbar, Xaldin, Vincent, Sephiroth. Shocking enough everyone fit in the room. Roxas and I stared at them in shock. Roxas flung himself off me in time to avoid the giant pile of hugs flow at me by everyone, and at the same time cutting off my air supply. @.@ Roxas yelled “Guys Axel needs to breathe!!!” Everyone got off me slightly embarrassed. After a few hours of being caught up on everything that happened everyone but Roxas left, and Riku and Sora were just leaving. “We’ll wait for you guys in the car” Riku yelled as he ran off to catch Sora who was skipping down the hall. “Please don’t do anything in the car! We want a clean and nice smelling car to get in!” I yelled back. “NOT FUNNY!!!!” Riku yelled back and all he got in reply was a laugh. “Hey, Roxas what did Sora mean?” I asked confused as why he would say both of us and not just Roxas. “Well Axel the doctor said when you wake up you can leave since you healed up nicely. Though bad news is you will be in a wheel chair for a while” “Man that’s gonna suck” “Aaaaawwww it’s gonna be okay I’ll take care of you” “Really?” “Yep your gonna stay at my place till your better.” “Yeah” Roxas smiled and laughed at my reply. Not long later I was out of bed and in a wheel chair. “Hmmm well at least it is comfy.” “Hehehe you know those little girls you helped are here in the hospital.” “0.0 Really well let’s go see them” “K” Roxas then wheeled me out even though I told him I wanted to do it, but Roxas just shook his head and said nope. Once we reached the room they were being held I signaled Roxas to be quite as I knocked on the door. “Yes?” A young girls voice replied. Changing my voice to sound like a nurse I said “Check up time~” “Come in” Roxas opened the door and rolled me in. Inside were Kelsey, Britney, and Kaitlin sitting together talking. “Hhhhhhmmmm Where are my hugs?” I said getting their attention. They stared at me in shock for about 5 minutes then they lunged at me giving me a huge hug. “AXEL YOUR OKAY!!!!!” “hehehehe yep” I said smiling as they piled off me. “0.0 Axel your legs!!” Britney said once she notice the casts on my legs. “Hey I’m fine see I’m still breathing and moving around. My legs with heal up just fine it just takes time” “Yep and I’m going to make sure Axel doesn’t do much” Roxas said. Few minutes later we left Kaitlin, Britney, and Kelsey heading out towards Riku’s car. Once we arrived we were met by Riku leaning on his car impatiently. “What took you guys so long?” Riku said as he got up and helped get me in the car. “Sorry Axel wasn’t cooperating” Roxas said once I was in the car, and man do I hate that they have to help me around. “Hey not my fault I like doing stuff myself” “Axel, you need to learn to accept our help” Riku said. “Ya ya it is just that this is so degrading.” I said with a sigh. “No one would think it is degrading your a hero” Roxas said smiling as he sat beside me in the car and Riku hopped into the driver’s seat with Sora beside him. “Some hero I am” I muttered but Roxas heard. “Yes you are you saved 100s of people and not caring about your self you saved Kaitlin.” Roxas said. “Yeah but I made you cry, and someone who makes you cry doesn’t deserve the title hero” I said. “Axel……” Roxas said but not thinking of anything else to say pulled me into a heated kiss. Pulling away Roxas says “Man I missed that. I missed you Axel so much. It just wasn’t the same without you” “Hey I’m here now Roxas and I don’t plan on going anywhere anytime soon.” I said kissing Roxas again. “You guys gonna stop kissing or am I going to risk getting in a car crash so I can kiss Sora” Riku said. “0.0 NO!!!” we yelled which got us all laughing. We stopped at my shop and I was surprised to see a pile of gifts in front of it. 0.0 “W-what?” “Once people heard about you they set this up” Roxas said smiling “Wow” “OOOOOO CANDY!!!!!!” Sora yelled hopping out once we had parked and ran towards the pile of gifts. We all stared wide eyed at Sora 0.0. Then Riku ran to stop Sora from eating the candy, and getting more hyper if that was possible but man was it funny to watch Riku pull Sora away from the candy. Once Riku was able to convince Sora not to eat the candy Riku and Sora put all the gifts inside the shop. “Axel isn’t your birthday coming up?” Riku asked as we lounged around Roxas and Sora’s house with Riku and Sora cuddling on the ground before the tv and Roxas and me cuddling on the couch. “Hmmmm I believe it’s next week Saturday.” I said just now realizing how close my birthday really was. “It is?” Roxas said shocked. “Yep oddly I have the same birthday I had in our past life” I said. “8/8?” Roxas asked. “Yep” “Yours 1/3?” “Yep and Sora’s is 1/4” “Oh yeah you and Sora are midnight babies.” Riku said. “Yep” Sora said smiling widely man does Sora never not smile. “So what do we do now cause I can’t do much with both legs broken” I said. “hmmmmm I know MOVIE!!!!” Sora yelled happily. “What movie do you have in mind Sora?” Roxas asked. “101 DAMALTIONS!!!” Sora yelled. “0.0 NO!!!” we yelled. “Aaaaawwwww then what?” Sora asked once again smiling. “How about Harry Potter?” Roxas said. We all agreed and with that a marathon of Harry Potter Movies started. Though out the movies there was making out, tickle fight(Sadly I couldn’t join stupid broken legs), random comments, Popcorn throwing, and all the randomness good friends and boyfriends do. By the end of the movie we were all fast asleep.

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