(Name= Kirra, Bias= diva boo, Genre=fluff , Plot= How about were on a interview together like us and seventeen and we get all sassy diva at each other. ~KirraTroughton)
~Hope you enjoy
Kirra's P.O.V.~
Taiga and I are getting ready for our very first interview on Weekly Idol, but we're not alone Seventeen is also having their interview as well.
"Hey Kirra, what do you think? We match yet we don't at the same time and we are both comfortable..." Taiga says standing in front of the bathroom mirror with me by her side,
"I like them, good job with the style. No dresses or skirts, No heels or sandals, No makeup and they suit us really well." I say scanning myself from head to toe.
(Kirra's Outfit: http://www.polyvore.com/kirra_interview/set?id=181414799)
(Taiga's Outfit: http://www.polyvore.com/taigas_interview/set?id=181415381)
~Time Skip~
Taiga and I just arrived at Weekly Idol and Seventeen is late, so our manager is giving us the run down of how the show is going to go, what we have to do, what we can't do, how he wants us to act, you know all that boring stuff that's really important.
"On the show you will introduce yourselves, explain what the group is about, explain how you became idols, talk about the songs and dances you've got, make sure to include the covers as well, Seventeen will talk, then you will do some dancing maybe even some dance offs between different members, you will answer a series of questions not just from the hosts but also from fans, you will play games, stuff like that." Manger was going on and on and on, it was getting difficult to focus on him,
"The next thing is what you can and can't do, now listen carefully because this could make or break you." He continued, making sure he didn't miss a single thing,
"I know you girls are different from your average idols, you're not girly but you're not complete tomboys, you don't like people being rude or mean, you do what you please when you please, you dance and sing with all your might, you fight for what you believe in and stand up for what is right as well as yourselves. So overall just be yourselves, that's all I ask of you." By the time manger hyung was finished talking about the details of the show Seventeen had finally arrived and was getting their makeup done.
"Hey Taiga, do you think people will think we're ugly cause we don't wear makeup?" I ask looking away from the girls doing Seventeens hair and makeup,
"Personally Kirra, they can all think what they like, we have our reasons for not wearing makeup and until they know that reason they cant judge us for our actions." Taiga says looking straight at me with her once in a life time smile,
"Hey Taiga, Hey Kirra." The boys of Seventeen greet us with a bow,
"Hello everyone." We reply bowing in response,
"Are you guys ready for your very first interview?" S.Coups asked smiling,
"I don't know really." Taiga answers for me,
"Neither of us really know what to expect so we'll just go with the flow." I say looking over at the hosts of the show, who are now introducing the show to the viewers.
"Please welcome brand new girl group Vocal Unity." Jeong Hyeong Don & Defconn announce queuing us to go onto the set,
"Hello, Hello." Both Taiga and I say bowing at each host and at the camera,
"V.U. imnida." We say bowing together and holding up our thumb, second and third fingers on our right hand, this is our official introduction.
"Wow, you already have an introduction? How long has it been since you debuted??" Jeong Hyeong Don asks,

All K-Pop Imagines
Teen FictionAll K-pop Imagines. You request, I write, you enjoy. Please message me a name, an idol, a plot and I will do the rest. ^_^ ~Taiga