(Short story, J-hope, Dancing and use a gif of him dancing I can't find one, KirraTroughton)
You and your boyfriend, J-Hope, have been invited to BigHit Entertainments Christmas party,
(Outfit: http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=185485268)
EXO's Christmas in December starts playing, all the couples throughout the company get up to dance.
You glance at J-Hope who is watching everyone dance, you look away when all of a sudden, J-Hope grabs hold of your hand and pulls you to the dance floor.
"Y/N, I know we have been dating for just about a year now but. . ." He begins getting down on one knee,
Your eyes widen but you let him finish,
"I love you very much Y/N and I want to keep it that way." I finishes pulling out a small, navy blue, velvet box.
He didn't even have to show you the ring, you simply nod your head as tears began to fall.
Once J-Hope registered your answer he stands up and hugs you tighter than ever before,
"Thank you." He says as a tear falls down his face.Imagine spending the rest of your life with J-Hope and your family.
~Taiga <3

All K-Pop Imagines
JugendliteraturAll K-pop Imagines. You request, I write, you enjoy. Please message me a name, an idol, a plot and I will do the rest. ^_^ ~Taiga