(Hi there! Can I request another Kpop Imagine? This time, the main character's name is Janet (an Asian girl from New Zealand again) and she's on exchange in America at Columbia University to study her first year of Psychology. On her first day Jaeseop Kim (AJ from U-KISS) who has already finished his first year of Psychology shows Janet around the campus and even though Janet knows that he's AJ she pretends that she doesn't so that he doesn't think that she's sasaeng fan. It's just the first time that she's met a celebrity that she likes and follows on Twitter in real life. And then he asks her out on a date later on ^-^ ryuuseigun)
~Hope you enjoy~
Janet's P.O.V.~
As I board the plane to America, all of the feelings kick in, Fear, Nervousness, Dread, Regret, Excitement, Anxiety, Adventure and heaps more because I'm going abroad to Columbia University to study my first year of Psychology.
"America here I come!" I whisper shout to myself as the plane takes off.
~Time Skip~
*Beep Beep Beep*
"UGH...." I groan hitting my alarm clock, Jet lag!
"What day is it?" I ask the dark outside world as I open the blinds of my apartment,
"What time is it?" I ask the coffee maker as it slowly makes my significant other, Coffee.
"Do I have school today?" I ask the water running in the shower,
"What classes do I have today?" I ask putting on my uniform,
(Janet's Uniform: http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=181712691)
"Did I eat breakfast?" I ask my apartment keys as I put them in my pocket,
"Did I forget anything?" I ask my headphones before I put them on,
"Where is my classroom?" I ask the map of the university,
"Where is the Psychology classro-" I ask before walking straight into someone,
"Oof!" I say as I land on my butt, my books scattering everywhere,
"Ah now Im gonna be late to Psychology!" I say before rushing to get my books,
"Sorry for walking into you I should have been watching where I was going..." The stranger says helping me stand up,
"That's ok but do you know where room 153 is?" I ask looking around the empty hallway,
"Are you new here?" The stranger says, finally I look up at him- WHAT THE HELL?!
"A-ah yeah, how'd you guess?" I ask looking down at the ground,
"I guessed because you're early not late..." AJ says chuckling a little at my mistake,
"B-but don't classes start at 9:00am?" I say looking at my phone,
"Nope." AJ says, waving his hand as if to say calm down you're not late,
"Classes start between 10-11:00am." He says looking at my timetable,
"Oh so you're taking Psychology? I took that last year." He says smiling at me,
"Oh really?" I ask, I had no idea AJ did Psychology, let alone go to this University but wow!
"Seeing as we're both early and you are new do you want me to take you on a tour?" AJ offers,
"S-Sure." I say blushing a little when he takes my hand in his.
~Time Skip~
So AJ had just finished showing me around the University and we were now just hanging out in the lounge drinking coffee and making small talk, (Does AJ drink coffee? I'm not familiar with U-Kiss so I'm not sure...)
I might be acting cool on the outside but on the inside I swear I'm so excited I can't even explain it,
"Oh yeah I never got your name." AJ says looking me directly in the eyes,
"O-Oh yeah sorry that's a bit rude of me, I'm Janet. And you're?" I say, I don't want AJ to know I'm a fan, I might turn him off if I do,
"Wait you don't know who I am?" AJ asks surprised,
Yes, Of course I do!
"No sorry, I come from New Zealand so I don't know any Americans..." I say lying again,
"Wow New Zealand? I've never been there but I want to go!" AJ says his eyes shining at the thought.
~Time Skip~
As I was packing up my belongings, AJ walks up to me,
"Hey Janet, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out this afternoon, maybe I can show you around a little?" AJ says not looking at my face,
Did he just ask me to hang out? ALONE?! OMG WE'RE GOING ON A DATE!
"But won't everyone notice you?" I question forgetting I lied about knowing him earlier,
"What?" AJ turns to look at me,
"How did you know I have fans?" He questions staring deep into my soul,
"A-ah y-you said t-this morning a-about your f-fans." I stutter, I'm not a good lier,
"Janet, do you know who I am?" AJ asks again,
"Y-yes..." I say quietly looking down,
"Wow, I'm not sure if I should be happy or sad..." AJ says, I quickly look up at his face ready to justify my answer when he bursts out laughing,
"W-Why are you laughing?" I question, completely confused,
"You're so adorable you know that?" AJ says wrapping his arm around my shoulders leading me out of the University,
"You're blushing Jany." AJ says poking my cheek,
"What did you just call me?" I say raising my eyebrows at him,
"Jany. That's your new nickname for me, and seeing as I'm your boyfriend only I can call you that. OK?" AJ Says kissing me on the cheek,
"Ok... WAIT WHAT?!?!?" I shout only just registering what he said,
"Ahahahahahah." AJ starts to laugh as we enter (Fav food joint here).
~ The End ~
-Hope you liked it-

All K-Pop Imagines
Teen FictionAll K-pop Imagines. You request, I write, you enjoy. Please message me a name, an idol, a plot and I will do the rest. ^_^ ~Taiga