(Can I have the same concept as seungkwan but with vernon instead please but not sassy just like they ask us all questions and a game of would you rather maybe KirraTroughton)
~Hope you enjoy~Kirra's P.O.V.~
As Taiga and I are mucking around on the empty set of After School Club, Eric, Kevin and Jimin walk up to us,
"Hey are you guys the new girl group?" Eric asks,
"If you are talking about Vocal Unity, then yes we are V.U." Taiga says bowing, nearly 90 degrease,
"Wow you speak english?" Jimin asks astonished,
"Well you sort of have to speak english in Australia..." I say scratching the side of my head,
"Wait, What?!" Kevin shouts slightly,
"We were both born and raised in Australia," Taiga says briefly explaining our history,
"Woah, how'd you become Idols then? I had trouble and I'm Korean." Jimin says brightly,
"To be honest we have no idea but we usually tell people that we work really hard, we trained nearly every day with dance lessons and singing lessons, we stayed healthy, watched our image you know all that stuff." I say rambling on and on,
"Taiga, Kirra its time to get ready!" Manager Hyung calls out,
~Time Skip~
"I'm not wearing make-up!" Taiga screams at our manager and the make-up artist standing next to her chair,
"Taiga don't be unreasonable." Manger said trying to convince her to wear make-up,
"What's wrong with her?" Seventeen asks standing behind me,
"Welcome to the dark side, we hope you have a nice stay because you're not leaving." I say turning around to face them,
"Not until she is calm again, that is." I say pointing behind me to Taiga who is still arguing with Manager hyung,
"Why won't you just put a little bit on, just for the show." The artist tries to persuade Taiga to put make-up on,
"Ahahahh, this is to funny to watch." I say turning around and walking away to get changed,
(Kirra's Outfit: http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=181607890)
(Taiga's Outfit: http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=181608149)
After I come back from changing Taiga is now peacefully sitting on set, playing on her phone.
"So did you have fun messing with Manager?" I ask sitting next to her,
"Mmhmm..." She says locking her phone and putting it away,
"Wearing lipstick I see..." She says placing her pointer finger on her lips,
"Mmm just wanted to try something different." I say smiling,
"Well it suits you." She says before we get interrupted,
"H-Hey Taiga, Woozi wanted to ask you something he is getting his make-up done..." Vernon says stuttering a little,
"Mmm sure I'll go see him now." She says before getting up and leaving me with Vernon,
"Are you scared of Taiga?" I ask judging from his previous actions I'd say her performance with the whole make-up scene left him a little shaken,
"W-What, NO!" He says blushing a little,
"Look don't worry about before, Taiga isn't like that she just doesn't wear make-up and she has good reasons for it but recently everyone has been trying to make her wear it so Taiga being Taiga she fights back and stays true to herself." I say resting my hand on his shoulder reassuringly,

All K-Pop Imagines
Teen FictionAll K-pop Imagines. You request, I write, you enjoy. Please message me a name, an idol, a plot and I will do the rest. ^_^ ~Taiga