(Name=Kirra, Bias= S.Coups, Genre= fluff , We're at the show and we have to perform and we get asked to do adore you and we do our greeting and seventeen comes on then they ask who's the leader of what I'll be leader of vocals and hip hop and you dance and general leader do you understand what I mean? KirraTroughton)
~Hope you enjoy
(Im gonna refer to S.Coups as Coups cause its easier, Ok?)
Coups's P.O.V.~
"Wake up everyone!" I shout through the dorm, today is the Pledis Entertainment award ceremony,
"What's today hyung?" Dino asks still half asleep,
"Award Ceremony day!" I call out banging on all of the doors except Mingyu's,
No way in hell am I waking him up as well as Taiga!
"Why aren't you waking up Mingyu Hyung?" Dino asks,
"Do you wanna wake him up? As well as Taiga?" I say pointing my fork at him,
"WAIT TAIGA IS HERE?" He shouts,
"ALL NIGHT?" The8 chirps in just to make things more awkward,
"Chill guys, Mingyu was sick and wanted Taiga so I asked her to come over and look after him while we all slept for the award ceremony..." I say explaining it before they got anymore ideas,
"Oh..." They all say embarrassed from jumping to conclusions,
Just then Taiga walks into the kitchen with dirty dishes, I assumed she fed Mingyu last night,
"Hey Taiga thanks for looking after Mingyu." I say walking up to her and patting her head,
"It's fine, you have the award ceremony so you needed sleep." She says washing the dishes,
"How is he today?" I ask looking in the direction of Mingyu's room,
"Well he didn't get any sleep last night and kept vomiting everywhere, He just fell asleep which I am now using the time to make him more food, get him medicine from the shops cause you guys have none and change the towel on his forehead..." She says grabbing her bag and heading towards the front door,
"Wait did you get any sleep?" I ask my eyes widening,
"Nope." She says smiling before closing the door,
"Oh no, now I feel bad." I say looking down at my feet.
~Time Skip~
"Hey Kirra, sorry but Mingyu is still not feeling well so you will have to go to the award ceremony without me, I've already told Manager hyung and Seventeens manager. No way is Mingyu going out, not that he is capable anyway but you know...." Taiga is on the phone to Kirra but speaking english so I can't understand her,
But half way through her conversation I heard Joshua gasp,
"Whats wrong?" I ask him,
"Taiga and Kirra were meant to go to the award ceremony too..." He says closing the book he was reading,
"WHAT?!" I scream, jumping up from my seat,
I didn't know she had the award ceremony, the only reason I called her was cause I didn't think she had to go... Now I feel even worse,
"Taiga Im so sorry." I say hugging her tightly,
"It's fine Coups, there's no way we'd get an award anyway. Manager said it would be a good experience if we went for the future. You guys are more important there than me." She says pulling away,

All K-Pop Imagines
Teen FictionAll K-pop Imagines. You request, I write, you enjoy. Please message me a name, an idol, a plot and I will do the rest. ^_^ ~Taiga