( Name: Bang Min. Bias: Zelo of Bap. Plot: I am Yongguk shy, much more timid younger sister, who is Zelo's classmate and crush. I rap, and he overhears, but he doesn't know it's me. It takes him the entire school year, but he finds out it's me )
Min's P.O.V.~
"YONGGUK!" I scream at my older brother,
"Yes Minnie?" He responds, popping his head into my bedroom,
"First, don't call me that! Second, Where are my shoes?" I say rushing around my room trying to get ready for school.
(Min's Outfit: )
"I don't know, where did you last have them?" Yongguk asks,
"If I knew I wouldn't be asking." I reply sarcastically,
"Hey don't be rude." He says throwing my shoes at me,
"Where were they?" I ask placing a hand on my hip,
"On the floor."
"where on the floor?"
"In my room. . ." He replies smiling.~Time Skip~
"Eww school, why do we even have to come?" I ask myself walking through the crowded hallway towards the music rooms,
"Oh god it's Zelo. . ." I freak out internally,
"Don't make eye contact! Don't be akward." I repeat over and over again in my head.
"Hey Min." Zelo calls out down the hallway,
"Don't stutter!" I tell myself,
"Hghn. . ." I reply a weird, un-natural noise that is nowhere near a hello,
"You ok Min?" Zelo asks looking concern,
". . ." I shake my head, bow a ninty degree angle and run away as fast as possible.Zelo's P.O.V.~
"Hey Min." I call out down the hallway,
"Hghn. . ." She replies,
"Was that meant to be a hello?" I aks myself
"You ok Min?" I ask concern washing over me,
She shakes her head, bows a ninty degree angle and runs away as fast as possible.
"Did I say something wrong?" I ask Yongguk,
"I don't know, it's Minnie she's weird and awkward." He replies shrugging,
"Maybe I should go look for her?" I ponder the thought,
"That's a great idea!" Yongguk shouts, slightly unnecessarily loud, shoving me in the direction Min retreated in,
"Ok. . . no need to shout!" I shout back in return walking away casually.~ Time Skip ~
"Where are you?" I ask,
I've been looking for Min for about half an hour now and I have no idea where she is. . ."Fall Fall Fall, scattering apart"
"Fall Fall Fall, falling"
"Because of you, I'm becoming ruined"
"I wanna stop, I don't want you anymore"
"I can't do it, this sucks"
"Please don't give me any excuses"
"You can't do this to me"
"All of the things you said are like a mask"
"It hides the truth and rips me apart"
"It pierces me, I'm going crazy, I hate this"
"Take it all away, I hate you"
"But you're my everything You're my"
"Everything You're my"
"Everything You're my"
"Please go away huh""What's that?" I ask, slightly intrigued,
"It goes round & round, why do I keep coming back"
"I go down & down, at this point, I'm just a fool""Whatever I do, I can't help it"
"It's definitely my heart, my feelings but why don't they listen to me"
"I'm just talking to myself again, talking to myself again"
"I'm just talking to myself again, talking to myself again"
"You're not saying anything, please, I'll treat you well"
"But the sky is blue, the sky is blue"
"The sky is blue and the sun is shining"
"So my tears are even more noticeable"
"Why is it you? Why did it have to be you?"
"Why can't I leave you?""They're really good." I say walking closer to the sound,
"It's coming from the music rooms." I say opening the door,
"Hello?" I call out.Min's P.O.V.~
As I was happily minding my own business casually practicing a new rap,
Someone enters the room,
Me being me I rush behind the piano and pray that whoever it is hurries up and leaves."Hello?" The familiar voice of Zelo calls out,
"Oh god no!" I internally scream,
"Anyone there? I heard you rapping and wanted to say you're really good." He compliments,
"W-what? The king of rap at Seoul National University - College of Music is complimenting my rapping skills??" I feel my cheeks heat up,
"U-uhm I guess I'll be going now. . . Bye. . ." He awkwardly excuses himself and leaves the room.
"Oh my god. . ." I breathe a sigh of relief, that was awkward.~ Time Skip ~
It's been almost all year and Zelo never found out it was me,
Am I sad?
A little bit.
It would have been nice if he new it was me after all I could of gotten tips from him,
But either way I have to perform in front of the school whether I like it or not,
It's graduation after all."Ready Minnie?" Yongguk says patting my head,
"Ready as I'll ever be." I reply smiling up at him,
"You'll do amazing." He reassures me,"Bang Min? It's time to go on stage." The technician calls,
"Go get em Minnie!" Yongguk shouts,
"Hahahah, go sit down weirdo." I say embarrassedly.I walk out on stage,
All eyes are on me,
The lights are blinding,
Here I go."Fall Fall Fall, scattering apart"
"Fall Fall Fall, falling"
"Because of you, I'm becoming ruined"
"I wanna stop, I don't want you anymore"
"I can't do it, this sucks"
"Please don't give me any excuses"
"You can't do this to me"
"All of the things you said are like a mask"
"It hides the truth and rips me apart"
"It pierces me, I'm going crazy, I hate this"
"Take it all away, I hate you"
"But you're my everything You're my"
"Everything You're my"
"Everything You're my"
"Please go away huh""It goes round & round, why do I keep coming back"
"I go down & down, at this point, I'm just a fool""Whatever I do, I can't help it"
"It's definitely my heart, my feelings but why don't they listen to me"
"I'm just talking to myself again, talking to myself again"
"I'm just talking to myself again, talking to myself again"
"You're not saying anything, please, I'll treat you well"
"But the sky is blue, the sky is blue"
"The sky is blue and the sun is shining"
"So my tears are even more noticeable"
"Why is it you? Why did it have to be you?"
"Why can't I leave you?"The audience claps and cheers,As I'm looking for my family, I spot Zelo,His jaw wide open,I guess he finally figured it out. . .
Zelo's P.O.V.~
"No way!" I mutter,
"What?" Yongguk asks, eyes glued to his sister on stage,
"It was Min?!" I whisper shout,
"What was Min?" Yongguk asks again,
"Oh my god. . ." I say,
"Dude what's wrong? Your face is red. . ." Yongguk pokes my cheek,
"What?" I ask dazed,
"Do like my sister?" Yongguk asks smugly,
"Yes. . . I mean no!" I shout standing up,
"Just go ask her out would you?" Yongguk pats my shoulder,
"Ok. . ." I say nervously,Min's P.O.V.~
Before I could make my way to my family,
I'm confronted by Zelo."Min, why didn't you tell me you could rap?" He asks, you could see he was slightly hurt,
"I-I don't know, you never asked. . . ?" I practically asked my answer,
"But I did. When I heard you rapping, I asked who it was and you didn't answer why?" He asked anger coating his words,
"B-Because I-I thought y-you would l-laugh at m-me. . ." I replied looking down at my feet, tears welling in the corners of my eyes,
"Why would I laugh when you are so talented?" Zelo said barley audible,
"I-I u-um . . ." I stuttered an excuse."I just didn't want you to know the rap was about you. . ."
That's what I wanted to say anyway.Zelo's P.O.V.~
"Anyway it doesn't matter." I say a little harshly,
"W-What?" Min asks panic in her eyes,
"Min. . ." I start, taking in a big breath,
". . ." Her beautiful eyes staring deep into mine,
"Will you be my girlfriend?" I ask.~ The End ~
-Hope you enjoyed, sorry it took so long. My exams are finished now so I will be able to do more request for a while.-
~Taiga ^_^

All K-Pop Imagines
Teen FictionAll K-pop Imagines. You request, I write, you enjoy. Please message me a name, an idol, a plot and I will do the rest. ^_^ ~Taiga