(Name= Kirra, Bias= Jeonghan , Plot= kinda a mix between what the others were like we're at a interview but we have to sing and dance to the other groups stuff so we sing and dance to adore you and 20. KirraTroughton)
~Hope you enjoy~
Taiga's P.O.V.~
"Where's is Kirra? We need to get changed." I say walking around backstage at our first fan meet,
"Hey, Manager hyung have you see Kirra?" I ask as he was walking past,
"Yup she's talking to Jeonghan over there." He says pointing towards Seventeen's dressing room,
I walk over to their dressing room and knock on the door,
"Come in!" I hear in response,
"NO DON'T COME IN!!" I hear someone shout,
"Too late..." Hoshi says hastily making his get away,
"HOSHI!!!" Joshua screams running after Hoshi,
"Uh Josh, you know you don't have a top on or pants right?" I say placing my hand on his shoulder,
"Yeah, that's why Im chasing Hoshi..." he says pointing after the younger boy,
"You also know that he ran across the stage?" I say hoping Joshua would catch on,
"Yeah I was gonna chase him why?" He says still burning holes in the back of Hoshi,
"Hmm lets see, you're practically naked and you want to run across the stage, which just so happens to be surrounded by lots of fans..." I say walking into the dressing room still looking for Kirra,
"WAIT WHAT?!" Joshua says slamming the door shut finally realising his mistake,
"Here." I say throwing him his clothes,
"O-Oh t-thanks." He says turning bright red,
"Have you seen Kirra?" I ask turning around one so he can get dressed, two to look for midgety midget.
"A-Ah last time I saw her she was with Jeonghan in the change rooms..." He says putting his pants on,
"Ahh that explains 'that'." I say circling my finger at him,
"Yeah... Sorry about 'that'" He says scratching the back of his neck,
At this point I am over Kirra not being prepared for our fan meet that I just barge into the changing room, Now I sort of wished I had knocked...
~Time Skip~
"I can't believe instead of getting ready for our first fan meet you were hiding in the changing rooms making-out with Jeonghan!" I whisper shout at Kirra scolding her for her recent actions,
"Yeah I get he is your boyfriend and all but really?" I say whacking her on the back of the head,
"Hey! Don't say it out loud! The last thing I need is fan girls trying to kill me for taking their angle!" She defends,
"Yeah and turning him into Satan's devil child!" I retort walking out onto the stage.
(Kirra's Outfit: http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=181791428)
(Taiga's Outfit: http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=181791572)
~Time Skip~
"Taiga, Jisoo! Are you dating?" One of the fans yell out,
"Depends... Do you want us to date?" I say smiling at all the fans,
"YES! YES! YES! YES! YES!" They all scream,
"Ok, Ok, Ok we'll date sheesh." Joshua says back hugging me,
Lets just say the fans went nuts,
"Kirra, Kirra, are you dating anyone from seventeen?" Another fan calls out,
"N-." She gets cut off,
"Yup she's dating me!" Jeonghan say kissing her cheek,
"WHAT?!" All the fans scream,
"JEONGHAN!" Kirra hits him,
"What? They were going to find out anyway..." Jeonghan says walking away casually,
"WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!" Kirra calls out,
"OFF STAGE!" Jeonghan yells back,
"Awww" All the fans coo at the little couple's bickering,
"You haven't been dating for that long but you sound like you're an old married couple!" I say causing Kirra to throw her microphone at me and hit me straight in the head,
"HEY!" I say placing the back of my hand to my forehead only to pulls away and see the unmistakable crimson red colour of blood,
"OH GOD! TAIGA ARE YOU OK?" Kirra panics running straight over to me,
"You didn't have to throw it that hard..." I joke,
"Oh my gosh you scared me!" Kirra exaggerates,
"You hurt me!" I bite back,
"You were teasing me!" She retorts,
"Now how am I meant to dance??" I question her looking deep into her soul,
"U-Ugh..." Kirra stutters,
"You forgot we were going to dance." I say walking off the stage to get a bandaid,
"W-What do I do now?" Kirra says out loud.
Kirra's P.O.V.~
As I was standing in the middle of the stage lost the music for 20 comes on and I instantly recognised Jeonghans voice,
Jeognhan is singing 20 to me, on stage, in front of hundreds of fans... Somebody pinch me.
Eventually I end up singing along with him making it a duet,
🎵~ I want to be your morning, baby ~🎵
🎵~ From now on, be alright ~🎵
🎵~ Morning together, baby ~🎵
🎵~ I want you to be my night ~🎵
(Blah Blah Blah)
~Time Skip~
When Taiga has recovered from 'me', we do our version of Adore U.
Halfway through the song I can feel someone's eyes on me, not on of the fans but one that is different, so different I can't describe it but it's not a bad feeling its more of an admirational feeling,
I look over to the side of the stage and sure enough Jeonghan is standing there staring at me intently.After the fan-meet Jeonghan decides to take me out for lunch,
"You did amazing today Jagiya." He compliments me,
"Even when you hit Taiga in the head!" He laughs,
"I didn't mean to hit her, I didn't think I was co-ordinated enough to hit her..." I say looking down at the table,
"Ahahah, you're so adorable you know that?" He says kissing my cheek,
"I'm so glad you're my girlfriend!" He says eating his food.
~ The End ~
(Sorry (Not Sorry) I got lazy towards the end so you can imagine the rest yourself.)
-Hope you enjoyed it-

All K-Pop Imagines
JugendliteraturAll K-pop Imagines. You request, I write, you enjoy. Please message me a name, an idol, a plot and I will do the rest. ^_^ ~Taiga