(Idol: GOT7 Junior, Plot: At a high school, where he is really popular. I like him, and want him to notice me,but other girls prevent it from happening. Near the end, I find out that he had secretly liked me. (Sorry about it being so vague), Name: Yoon Jung. @bangtanmeow)
~Hope you enjoy~
Yoon Jung's P.O.V~
I woke to the sound of my alarm, I look over to my bedside table and grab my phone, turning off the alarm set for 5am.
I stand up and make my way over to my window, I open the blinds and look out at the place I call home, Seoul.
The dark sky, street lights and big skyscrapers remind me of all the places I want to go to.Making my way into the kitchen of my apartment, I grab two slices of bread, some butter and a frying pan.
While I'm waiting for the pan to heat up I decide to play some music, BTS's Dope to be exact.Being the skilled person I am, I manage to cook my breakfast while dancing and singing at the same time.
Once I've finished cooking my breakfast I put it on a plate, I make my way back into my bedroom and sit at my desk, turn on my laptop and check all my social media.
I immediately regret my decision. . . Why?
Probably because the Queen Bee, Narae, of my school has decided to humiliate me on Facebook,
"Ugh, just what I needed. Now He'll never talk to me." I mumble as I shut down my laptop and get out my sketchpad.
For the next hour or so I sit there drawing and sketching my little heart out.
Sometimes I don't know why I do it though, it's not like I'm ever going to show people.~ Time Skip ~
As I walk through the school gates, I notice that there are no students here yet.
"Thank god." I say quietly as I make my way to my locker.
Once I've put all my books away, I grab my Music Folders, Music Sheets, my laptop and head to non other than the music rooms.This is my morning routine, wake up early, sketch and draw, come to school early.
Sometimes I go to the library, sometimes I go to the Music rooms, other times I go straight to homeroom.No one has questioned me about it,
No one has questioned me,
No one has questioned anything.
It's almost as if I don't exist. . .~ Time Skip ~
As I'm sitting at the piano in the music room, I begin to play 'Butterfly' By BTS,
Only singing along when I have the keys correct.After a half and hour or so the halls begin to fill with students chatting and gossiping about who knows what, probably how good Jin Young and Narae look together.
I pack up my things and head back to my locker,
Putting away my Music Folder, Music Sheets and Laptop,
I grab my Pencil Case, Binder, and Exercise Books.
I shut my locker door and weave my way throw the crowded halls to my homeroom."Lucky no one notices me. . ." I say to myself as I make my way to my assigned seat at the front of the class.
~ Time Skip ~
The teacher has just started the lesson when all of a sudden we hear the clicking of high heels on the tiled hallway floors,
"Oh great Narae's here. . ." I mumble to myself as I turn my gaze to the notes written on the board,
*Slide* (What sort of noise does a door make??)
"Ah Miss Park, thanks for joining us. . ." The teacher said, sarcasm coating his words,
"Its an honour." Narae replies flipping her hair behind her shoulder,
"Oh no the honour's all mine when I give you this." He says bowing stupidly, receiving a small giggle from me,
"What's this?" Narae says curiously,
"Your detention slip." The teacher replies bluntly,
"Now sit down and stop interrupting my class!" He yelled making Narae jump slightly,
As Narae walked to her seat, the teacher looked at me and winked, I smiled in return.Have you even met a teacher who understands you really well?
I have and he's my favourite teacher and my homeroom teacher.~ Time Skip ~
It's now lunch break,
As the other students race off to whatever it is that they do,
I stay behind, usually to talk to my teacher, other times its just to do what ever I can do so I don't have to socialise with anyone.But not today. . .
"Hey Yoon Jung?" I hear someone call out,
"Maybe if I ignore them they'll go away" I think to myself not looking up from the practice math test I was doing,
"Oi Yoon Jung, I need your help." They try again,
This time I look up from my work, only to find non other than the Kingka himself, Jin Young.
"What could I possibly be able to help you with?" I say coldly, returning my gaze to my test,
"Wow touchy. . ." He says holding his hands up as if to surrender,
"Yeah well, you've never noticed me before so why now?!" I say, my words laced with venom,
"Yeah I know I'm sorry, I have been meaning to talk to you I j-just. . ." He begins before growing
"You just what?" I ask him turning my body so I was facing him,
"W-Well Narae kept bugging me and wouldn't let me talk to you." He says looking down at his shoes,
"And why would Narae do that?" I say not believing his excuse,
"B-Because I might have told her that I though you were cute. . ." He says pulling a weird face,
"And what? She thinks I'm a threat or something?" I ask still not fully convinced with his words,
"Yeah kinda." He replies looking into my eyes,
"No Yoon Jung! You can not fall for him anymore than you already have." My brain says,
"Why not?" My heart argues,
"B-Because, You know nothing about him. Y-You know he could be a player for all we know." Brain,
"So we never judge anyone without giving them a chance so why should he be any different?" Heart,
"Because he's the Kingka for god sake." Brain,
"So?" Heart,
"Narae" Brain,
"Who cares about her?" Heart,
"Fine don't blame me when you get hurt!" Brain.
"And why are you telling me this. . .?" I ask cautiously,
"Because I wanted to know if you wanted to-" He begins but gets interrupted,
"Jin Young is this little snitch bothering you?" Narae squeaks, leaning on Jin Young's shoulder,
"No, we were just chatting about the date for our next math test." He lies, twisting his way out of her grasp,
"Really?" She says looking at me,
". . ." I stay quiet, there is no way in hell that I am going to talk to her,
"I said really?" She tries again,
But all I do is sit back down in my seat,
"Bit**! Don't ignore me!" She screams,
As she raises her hand before she forcefully lets it swing down, striking my cheek leaving a bright red mark and a cut just under me eye."NARAE!" Our teacher shouts at her,
"Principles office now!" He continues to shout,
"B-But Sir s-she-" Narae begins,
"Didn't do anything, Now get out!" He says before he pushes her out the door,"Yoon Jung are you alright?" Jin Young says before pulling out his handkerchief and dabbing away the blood seeping through the open cut under my eye,
"Yeah Im fine." I say swatting his hand away,
"L-Look Yoon Jung w-what I was trying to say before was. . ." He begins looking down at his shoes again,
They must be very interesting shoes,
"I w-wanted to ask you i-if you wanted to g-go out this a-afternoon?" He says quickly,
"I promise Narae won't ever hurt you again!" He bargains,
"I-I know this isn't the first time. . ." He says quietly,
"If it means she will finally leave me alone then I guess we could hang out after school. . ." I answer still focused on my practice test,
"R-Really?!" He slightly yells from surprise,
"I swear I will protect you with my life." He says before hugging me tightly.~ The End ~
- Hope you liked it, It was a little different from what I usually write but I tried my best. ^_^
~Taiga <3

All K-Pop Imagines
Teen FictionAll K-pop Imagines. You request, I write, you enjoy. Please message me a name, an idol, a plot and I will do the rest. ^_^ ~Taiga