Chapter 2

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2- First date

Inside the cafe we both ordered a roast with a black coffee. I've never met anyone before who actually likes the combination of lamb and coffee as much as I do.

We talked and laughed. He knew exactly what to say to make my smile.

"I was put up for adoption after my mother died giving birth to me." All Vices brought death where ever they go. I've never heard of a Vice who's mother didn't die within the first week of giving birth. It's quite common for the dad to die as well. My dad was lucky. "My father couldn't love me because he blamed me for my mother's death."

"Sinda, listen to me. What happened wasn't your fault, death happens every day." He looked straight into my eyes without a single waver of doubt. In that moment I would have done anything he wanted. If he wanted me to jump off a cliff, I probably would.

Gabe walked me all the way home.

"You know you don't have to walk me all the  way to my front doorstep." Please say yes. Please say yes. Pleasesayyes!
"Yes actually, I do. Unless you want me to go?"
"No! Um... no." Yeah, real smooth Sinda. He  chuckled.
"There's something about you, I can't quite put my finger on it. Would it be really cheesy if I said that I'm drawn to you?" I knew that I should have been blushing by his comment and his loaded gaze, studying me for my reaction, but I felt exactly the same way.

"Yes, that would be very cheesy. You wanna know something?"
"Sure." I reached up and whispered into his ear.
"I like cheesy." I could feel the wacky grin spreading across my face and couldn't stop the surge of giggles as a matching one appeared on his face.

When we got to my house he said that he had a great time and asked if we could do this again tomorrow.

"I can do 10. Oh, Georgia's coming over at 10, but if you can pick me up at 3...?" I felt a flush of guilt about almost forgetting my best friend.
"I'll pick you up then. Oh, and wear something comfortable"

I summoned up my courage, conflict raging within me, but my heart won over my mind. I raised up onto my toes and wrapped my arms around Gabriel's neck.

When our lips met, all doubts were pushed aside, it was like an explosion of fireworks. Sparks shivered down my spine and I never wanted the kiss to end.

Afterwards I, somehow, made it into my house and in bed. I didn't care about anything, I was floating around in the clouds, then reality set in.

With myself now removed from the source of  my temporary insanity, I could think clearly. Whenever I was around Gabriel I could only think of one thing. Him.

What was I thinking! I can't fall in love with Gabe! It just can't happen!

Too late.

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