Chapter 5

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5- Secrets in a box

"You know Georgia," I said around a mouthful of meatball subway, that we got for lunch, "I actually don't know that much about you."
"Sure you do, you know more about me than most people."
"I know how you think and who you are, but I didn't even know that you had a brother."
"Well then, we'll just have to fix that know won't we." Georgia to my desk and came back with a pen and a pad of paper.

"What are you doing?"
"This is a game we use to play in the orphanage. It's called 'Secrets in a box'. All you gotta do is write down a question, scrunch it up and put it in a box. Then we take turns pulling them out and we both have to answer them."

"Sounds easy enough. Pass me that pen."


We sat back-to-back on my bed, both furiously scribbling away. I tried to put more thought into my questions, like: the names of your best friends in primary school, and, your weirdest foster parent, but eventually they started getting a bit more like what you would find in a yearbook.

"Okay, let's do this. You go first." I reached into my rubbish bin, we couldn't find a box so we had to improvise.

"Have you ever had a near-death experience?" It was one of mine. "I haven't, not really, unless you include the time I was in a bus-crash, but I wouldn't call that near-death."

"Lets see... When I was three, my foster parents had this dog. One day, when I was sleeping, the dog got inside, someone hadn't closed the door. It attacked me, bit me on the head. I was in hospital for a few weeks. I've still got the scares." Georgia parted the hair, just behind her ear, to show a big, pale pink circle. "They go all the way around the side of my head."

"Oh my god, that's horrible."
"I didn't feel anything, don't even remember it, but people have told me stories. My turn!" Georgia pulled out another scrunched piece if paper. "What is or was your favourite hobby. I love acting. I use to go in plays and everything when I was younger, but then my foster mum broke her leg, falling down the stairs, sooo... Yeah"

Georgia looked at me expectantly.

"I love to read. I know, I know. I'm a total nerd, but there's just something about a good book..." I trailed off and plucked another ball of paper.

"What are you the most famous for?" This had to be another of Georgia's. "Well, in not really famous for anything, but at school I'm pretty well know for that time Luca and I got beat up in the parking lot."

"Yeah I remember you telling me that, I'm telling you, if I ever come across that angel... Lets just say, no one hurts my BFFL and gets away with it. Okay, what am I the most famous for... I didn't want to tell you this before, cause you might think that I'm up myself or something, but in the world of Vices, I'm kinda big. Usually the more powerful you are, the more famous you are. Desire, is pretty big among humans, so my powers are more affective than most."

Georgia shrugged it off, "I think that whatever ability you've got must be really strong too, Vices are usually drawn to power and the fact that you are the best friend I have ever had speaks volumes. There's one more thing, I'm sorry that I'm even thinking this, but you know how much you like Gabe?" The change in topic had me blushing.

"Well, he's a very powerful angel and you're quite powerful for a Vice soo... I'm sorry I never should have brought if up."
"No it's okay, really. You're just thinking out loud and you're not the only one wondering what it is about him that I like so much. I don't even know myself."

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