Chapter 8

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8- Gabe

Greedily I sucked in huge gulps of air. I stumbled to my feet, not liking the way he towered over me.

"You're gonna regret that."
"Now, now don't get all worked up. Are you going to behave or have you not learnt your lesson yet."
"What. Do. You. Wan-t." I paused in between each word, trying to control the anger raging inside of me.
"Leave Gabriel alone."
"I wasn't asking." It annoyed me how calm he was. "Leave him alone and I'll leave you alone."
"Why do you care? You're too up yourself to notice what's going on around you."
"Gabriel is my brother. He is stupid and naive and it is my job to protect him."
"Wow, you must really care about him." My tone dripped with sarcasm

"And you do? Gabriel has no idea who you are, you are evil and corrupt and you destroy everything you touch. If you don't end things, Gabriel will be banished from heaven. Mark my words, when Gabriel finds out who you really are, I won't have to do anything, because he will hunt you down and kill you himself."

His words stung and I turned away so he wouldn't see the tears welling in my eyes.

"You can't tell me what to do." With that I walked away, leaving the angel to stare after me.


"Mom, I forgot my keys. Can you open the door?" She was probably asleep and the spare keys weren't under the pot plant. So I was stuck looking through the window, watching as the hands ticked closer and closer to Gabe's arrival.

I decided to walk around to see if I could get in anywhere else. I could see my phone sitting on my desk, with my keys beside it. I hadn't thought to grab a jacket and now I was seriously regretting it.

When I got to my mum's bedroom window I gently knocked on it.

"Mum? You there?"
"Mmmhhhh. Georgia? Is that you?" Her voice was groggy and muffled from sleep.

"I forgot my keys. Can you get the door?"
"I'll be right there."

It took her ages, but eventually she made it to the front door. She was as white as a sheet of paper and her hair was a mess.
"How are you feeling?"
"I've been better." She gave me a reassuring smile, but it failed to hide the fact that she was lying. "I'm just a bit dizzy."

I looked at the clock, I still had twenty minutes left.

"Oh, mum? Gabe's coming over at three. Are you gonna be alright on your own for a couple hours, cause I can stay. Gabe'll understand. I'll be seeing him at school tomorrow anyway." I tried to sound like it was no big deal, but the idea of seeing Gabe again was too good to pass up.

"You should get out, have some fun. Don't worry about me. I should be the one worrying about you."
"Thanks." I couldn't help the smile that burst across my face as I hugged mum.

"You don't need to thank-" she yawned, "-me."
"You should go lie down."
"But I've been in bed all day. I want to do something with my daughter."
"What did you have in mind?"
"When you get back we should watch a movie."
"Sounds great mum."

I watched as she yawned again.

"I might go have a quick nap so I don't fall asleep during the movie." I love my mum, she acted more like an older sister than a mother and we got along so well.

When she was around the corner I looked back up at the clock and started a mental to-do list.

Shower, clothes, hair, BANG!!! What was that?! It came from the hallway.

Slowly I peeked around the corner, not knowing what, or who for that matter, made the noise.

It was mum. She was on her knees, she must have fallen. I rushed to help her.

"Are you okay mum?!" She started heaving, like people do when they vomit. I started panicking, I have no idea what I'm suppose to do!

Mum started scrambling to her feet and she stumbled into the bathroom, collapsing in front of the toilet. I crouched down next to her and awkwardly patted her on the back.

After a couple minutes the heaving stopped and mum looked up at me.

"Don't worry, I'm good now. Must've been something I ate."
"You haven't eaten ANYTHING!"
"I had some biscuits."
"Yeah, for breakfast!" I softened my tone, "that baby is killing you. I can't go back to the orphanage. I can't."

We sat like that for a while before mum finally got to her feet and hobbled out of the bathroom.
"I'm going to go have a nap."
"I'll tell Gabe I can't go out," the words stung, "I'm not going to leave you like this."

I looked down at my clothes, jeans and a t-shirt, it will have to do. Gabe'll be hear soon. I ran a hair brush through my hair and put it up in a ponytail. When I went to the living room I peered out the window that shows the front yard.

Gabe was here.

But what was he doing? He was standing there, it looked like he was talking to someone, but I couldn't see them through the window. Gabe looked up, smiled when he saw me and waved. I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face.

He started walking towards the front door. I knew that I would be able to see who he was taking to from the door. I stepped outside and looked at where he stood before, momentarily forgetting that Gabe was right in front of me.

It was the angel from the park. What was he taking to Gabe about?

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