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I could sense him before I saw him. I looked up from my book, straight into his eyes. They were like sapphires, the way they sparkled when he smiled and as I looked into them everything melted away. All that was left was me and him.

As he walked closer my urge to reach out and touch him, to make sure that he was real, for he was surely too beautiful and too perfect to possibly exist. When he saw me staring, his smile could have made me melt into a puddle of goo and his eyes, that seemed to look straight into my soul, came alive with that glow that radiated from within him.

I wanted him, I needed him, but I couldn't have him. If he knew the real me he'd never look at me the same way again. He wouldn't stand in their way when they came to kill me, in fact he'd probably kill me himself.

That's the trouble with angels, as kind and caring as they seem on the outside, they won't hesitate to destroy what is evil. He wouldn't think twice about plunging a dagger into my heart to rid the world of pure evil.

He mustn't find out who I really am.

Gifted with Greed (#2 Deadly Sins)Where stories live. Discover now