Chapter one

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*beep beep* I reached over and hit the snooze button. YAWWNN Im so tired! WAIT! I jumped out of my warm, cosy bed and swung open my wardrobe door and ran my finger down my 1D calender, my finger froze on November 29th I stood there for a moment just staring at it.It had a heart shaped circle around and inside wrote November 29th day I finally get to meet my idols One Direction!!. A memory flashed through my head when my mam and dad gave me the tickets.It was christmas last year I awoke to my annoying brother Adam bouncing on my bed pleading for me to go to open presents that santa had brought, I gave in and went downstairs to two piles of presents of course adams was bigger with cars,robots,and all sorts of toys. I made my way over to my pile it was just simple really hair curlers,nail sets, make-up And all things a teenager needs. I noticed there wasnt anything one direction and thats what I really wanted.Then I turned around to my mum and dad staring at me smiling like idiots

"looking for anything Brooklyn?"

I looked at them in confusion and then my dad took an envelope from his pocket.

"here you go darling"

handing it to me, I didnt known what to do I just stood there staring at my parents

"well open it"

they chorused, I slid my fingers through it and pulled out two one direction up all night tour concert tickets!

"OMG" I screamed,

"oh wait one more suprise"

my mam said tears welling up in her eyes, she put something around my neck I looked down at it it read, one direction up all night tour VIP backstage passes. I stood in shock, I jumped into my parent's arms

"I love you two so much" I

present moment.

"Today is the day!"

I whisperd to myself, feeling all different emotions running through my body,my hands started to shake why am I so nervous?I heard my phone viberate from my bed. who could have text me at 7.00 in the morning? I unlocked my phone, new message from sophie(my bestfriend) it read,

hey girl, what u wearing?are you even up yet?I couldn't sleep all night Im too exited!oh yeah check your twitter haha.

I text her back,

hey u will have to wait and see! I will check it in a min,Im gonna get ready.

I already knew what I was wearing, my pink skinny jeans, pink converse and of course my I heart 1D t-shirt, my hair was already done since I washed and straightend it last night. So i quickly got dressed and checked my twitter, 135 new mentions, I scrolled through them all from my directioners that I follow from all over the world, nearly all them read can you get Harry,Niall,Liam,Louis and Zayn to follow me?? they knew I was meeting 1D today from the tweet I tweeted yesterday

@itsSophie cannot wait for tommorow finally meeting our idols @onedirection, gonna be epic!

As I finnished putting my make-up on, I strolled downstairs.My mum was up cooking breakfast,

"you will need a big breakfast today Brooklyn you will be waiting outside for quite a while if you want to be the first to get the front row, I want you to be careful stay with sophie no matter what" she rambled on,

I was barely listening to her.When I finnished my breakfast, I text sophie,

"are you ready?"

she text back in less than a minute

"are you serious?I was born ready!!coming to pick you up now"

In less than 10 minutes I heard sophie's sports car outside, I said bye to everyone and we were off! For the whole ride we listened to one direction up all night album while singing our hearts out,then we stopped in front of a huge white building,

"were here" sophie said trying to look cool but I knew she was dying inside.

We stood outside for hours in the que, just six girls in front of us

"were so gonna make first row" sophie said with delight.

Then the clock struck 3.00, by now there was thousands of screaming girls behind us, the big glass doors swung open, and the race began.

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